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out all over!" Despair made her flush. "So many people."
"The dolphins will know what to do," F'lessan said, taking a firmer grip on
Tai's arm, hurrying her along. "If we can time it," and he couldn't resist
grinning at the permission, "we will make the time we need."
"But our Weyr's no more than fifty meters from the sea," and Mirrim's voice
rose with anxiety, her face pale under her tan. "On low-
lying ground."
"Weyrfolk are a lot better at taking orders than holders or crafters," Tai
said, for once the one to reassure.
"And all those seaholders?" Mirrim gasped at the enormity of the task ahead of
"I've maps in my office of every holding that looks to Monaco," T'gellan said
as they strode, ever faster under the impetus of their anxieties, toward the
back door. The guards at the front entrance were now shouting that there was
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an emergency: specialists to stand right, other volunteers muster to the left.
Landing itself was completely safe here in the foothills. Except from the
shock wave. When would that be hitting them? "We'll warn them all."
"How long ago did you leave?" F'lessan asked as T'gellan straight-armed the
door open, holding it for the others to exit. "We can go back as soon as
you've left. Get a bit of a head start."
"I don't know," T'gellan said, startled. "When we finally made it into the
office, Time Remaining stood at 4870.1 remember that!"
"An hour and a half ago? As well as the time we wasted talking," F'lessan
said. Had so little time elapsed? And yet it had seemed so long-watching the
stunning visuals as mere curiosity in a bright point in Benden's morning sky
turned into a planetary disaster at midday in Landing.
Ramoth says only bronze riders are to manage the timings, Golanth said, his
tone awed.
T'gellan gave a sharp bark of laughter, glancing over his shoulder at the
Benden Wingleader. "So which of us has more experience timing?"
"Not a point to argue," F'lessan said. "Let's do it. All we need are our
There wasn't enough room for four dragons, even if two were green, to land on
the area outside the rear door, and the guard was goggle-eyed at the flurry of
so many wings.
Next avenue over, F'lessan told his bronze.
Tell Zaranth.
"This way, Tai, between the buildings. Meetcha there!" He raised his voice so
T'gellan would hear over the noise of Monarth's descent. Path crammed herself
against one wall to drop as close as she could to
Mirrim. He glanced at his watch before he drove his fist into the sleeve of
his flying jacket. "Golanth! See the comet as we saw it coming in to land."
F'lessan and Tai ran through the space between buildings that had become
classrooms for the many youngsters studying at Landing.
Golanth was in the act of putting his feet down when F'lessan leaped to his
forearm and vaulted astride. As the bronze immediately began to ascend,
F'lessan caught sight of Tai astride Zaranth's back.
Golanth, tell Zaranth to take her coordinates from you, F'lessan said, not
even bothering to close his flying jacket or jam his helmet on his head. Maybe
the seconds between would cool him down from the heat that he hadn't even
noticed in the Interface office. He concentrated on timing it and Golanth took
them between.
Once again Landing had become a command center, Lessa thought. Though she
could wish it otherwise, she would be happier, as
well as more useful, here than at Benden Weyr. It had been Ruth's query to her
through Ramoth that made her wonder if perhaps that bright spark in the sky,
still hanging overhead at Benden, was dangerous. Tiroth had already brought
Wansor, Lytol, and D'ram to
Landing. Maybe the Benden Weyrleaders should join them, if only to see what
the old Star Master had to say about this intruder.
Stinar was quite willing to turn on the screen in the conference room so that
Lytol and D'ram could describe what was happening to
Wansor. He could still distinguish light from dark but no details. Despite his
blindness, he had cultivated an uncanny ability to locate other people in the
same room with him, sometimes calling them by name when they came near.
His round face with its opaque eyes had lit up with an extraordinary smile
when Lessa and F'lar entered. "Lessa!"
"How did you know?" Lessa asked, swiftly moving to take both his hands in
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hers. She had half a mind to give him a kiss for his unqualified welcome.
"My dear Lessa, wherever you go there is a vibrancy that is unmistakable. And
then," he chuckled, "you wear a fragrance that is unique." He held out his
right hand toward F'lar and returned the strong grip. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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