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no brush or even a hat to hide her hair under. Her black skirts and The butler s eyes widened and he straightened his already stiff
bodice were crumpled but there was nothing she could do about back.  Farrell of Meadow Farm?
that. She nodded.
At the door, Hughie and Bertie came to kiss her cheek and she The door was instantly pulled wider and the butler almost fell
left them to descend the inn s narrow staircase. Outside in the lane, over his own feet ushering her into the hall.  Please come this way,
the sun disappeared behind a sheet of grey clouds. She faltered then Mrs Farrell. Mr Harrington will be so delighted to see you. I ll see if
at the prospect of being with Ethan, of telling him she was to go Mr Harrington has returned home.
away. He would argue, demand she stay, and, for a moment, she She followed him at a swift pace into the drawing room where he
wondered if she was strong enough to resist him. indicated that she sit on the chair closest to the fire before departing
on close to a run. His behaviour astonished her. She looked around
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the room. High ornate ceilings, large paintings in gold-leaf frames  When they brought out the body, I nearly had a heart seizure.
on the walls, thick damask curtains, several sofas and delicate She frowned.  Body?
chairs, a wide patterned rug on top of polished floorboards, occa-  From the fire.
sional tables, ornaments, a roaring fire. She d never seen such a Isabelle gasped, reeling at the enormity of his words.  I had no
room before, yet she wasn t in awe. It was a fine room, a beautiful idea. . .
room, but she felt no yearning for it and wondered why. This was  Sit down, my love. Ethan gently lowered her onto the sofa and
Ethan s home. sat beside her, holding her hands.
It hit her then, and she knew why the room or indeed the whole  I thought they would get out . . . or douse the fire . . . Her heart-
house left her unmoved. It was Elizabeth Harrington s home. beat raced. She swallowed.  The body . . . was it Farrell?
Clarice Harrington s home. She would never live here. How she He shook his head, the light dying in his eyes.  No. It was that
knew this with such intense certainty she didn t know, but it was other fellow, who was watching over you, Peacock.
clear in her mind. The truth was in her heart, her soul. Too much Isabelle closed her eyes. Neville dead? It made no impact on her.
had happened. Too many people would be hurt by her and Ethan s She was numb to all thought and feeling.
relationship for them to ever be comfortable here, to be at peace.  When they couldn t find any other bodies I felt relief. Ethan
Somehow this made her visit and the words she must say easier to kissed her hands.  Then I wondered whether you had come here, to
bear. me, and so we hurried back. I didn t know Farrell and Bertie had
She sighed deeply, accepting the dull pain that accompanied her returned. When there was no word from you, Hamish and I split up
reasoning. Her future wasn t here at Bracken Hall and it begged the and started searching. I had only just returned to the stables when
question whether her future was with Ethan. She shied away from I was told you waited in the drawing room. He smiled a soft,
further reflection; it was too painful. Instead, she let herself hope haunting smile.  I couldn t bear not knowing what had happened to
that perhaps . . . perhaps something could be saved from this mess. you.
If Ethan could survive with not living at Bracken Hall, then they She licked her dry lips and he leaned forward to kiss where her
could conquer anything in their path, but again doubts reared their tongue touched. Reaching up, she ran her fingers through his dark
ugly head. Could Ethan shun his home, leave his mother? hair.  Farrell is still out there. He ll be looking for me.
Running echoed in the hall. Like a whirlwind, Ethan flung  You don t have to run anymore, sweetheart. You re safe now.
himself across the room and, with a shout of joy, dragged her up  Am I? She took his hand and placed it against her cheek.  He s [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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