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the right one. Alder pointed up the stairs.  Mum? Every day one of them asked the question.
 Not yet, Edward said.  But as soon as she gets out of rehab she ll be living in the flat on the
third floor. They had spent a lot of money installing a proper bathroom and kitchen upstairs so Tara
could have privacy when she was well.
The twins headed to the kitchen. Part of their daily routine was to set the table for dinner as soon
as they came home from school.
 Dettol! Edward whispered.
In the kitchen, Arden picked up Fox s underwear from the floor and looked at him. Fox laughed
out loud, but Edward felt too shamefaced. He took the underwear from Arden s hand and pushed it
into his pocket.  It s marvelous the way they say my name, he said, watching Fox wipe the table with
a piece of kitchen paper and Dettol.  It means they can learn other words too.
 Yeah, they were waiting for him to die before they could speak. We were all waiting for him to
die so we could live.
 All I was waiting for was you, Edward said. Fox kissed him softly on the lips.
The twins washed their hands and set the table. Fox stuck his head in the fridge and took out a
big pan of homemade bean soup, vegetables, and a package of tofu to start the dinner. With relief
Edward sank down on a chair at the table to watch while everyone worked. He would help with the
dishes later. That was something they did as a family.
 After dinner we re all going to make a valentine s cake, and we ll eat it for our bedtime
snack, Fox said.  I got a great vegan recipe off the Internet. Is everyone up for it?
 Sounds lovely, dear, Edward said.
Loose Id Titles by Fyn Alexander
Knightly Love
Precious Jade
* * * *
Angel and the Assassin
Be Brave
Sins of the Father
Fyn Alexander
I grew up in Liverpool, England, with a great love of books and the English language. As an
adult I moved to Canada, but I return to England to visit every few years to remind myself of my
roots. I love writing and I love romance, so bringing the two together is a perfect fit. Precious Jade,
my first published book, was inspired by a visit to the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, in early 2009. I have
always had a fascination with assassins and could not resist writing about one in my series, Angel
and the Assassin.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Loose Id Titles by Fyn Alexander
Fyn Alexander [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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