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fault and she liked that. It reminded her so much of how her relationship with her grandfather had
been and the relationship she shared with her aunt now.
 It is a nice night, she said simply. She knew he was perceptive enough to figure out why she was
outside standing on the porch in the dark and his next statement proved it.
 Sometimes it takes longer than the two days to set free the horses. Some of them can get real frisky
when they are taken out of their element. I bet the reason Clint hasn t returned yet is because he d
had his hands full.
Alyssa sensed that Chester was telling her that Clint hadn t been staying away from the ranch just to
avoid her. How had Chester known that was exactly what she had been thinking?
Alyssa smiled as she pulled the jacket she was wearing more tightly around her shoulders. February
was proving to be a colder month than January.
 Clint said that your grandfather used to be a bronco rider, Chester said.
 Yes, he was. In fact that s how he met Sid Roberts. It was an experience he took pride in telling me
about while growing up.
 You were close to him, Chester said.
 Yes, he was the most special person in my life.
Less than an hour later when getting ready for bed, Alyssa remembered those words and knew in her
heart that Clint was becoming a special person to her, as well.
Clint almost weakened as he gazed down at a sleeping Alyssa. A stream of light from a lamppost
poured into her window and illuminated her features. He wasn t sure what she was wearing under
the bedspread because her body was completely covered, but she looked incredibly sexy.
Okay, he had broken their agreement and had come into her bedroom. He d done so because
Chester had told him that she had stood outside on the porch that night waiting for him to return.
At first Clint hadn t wanted to believe it, but then a part of him realized that the possibility existed
that she had indeed missed him& like he had missed her. Clint stiffened at the thought that he could
miss any woman, but whether he liked it or not, he had. And she had constantly invaded his dreams
since she d come to the ranch. He didn t like that, either.
How could she get to him so deep and so quickly? He d had other women since Chantelle, but none
of them had made a lasting impression. None of them had even come close. But Alyssa was making
more than a lasting impression. She was carving a niche right under his skin and it got deeper and
deeper each and every time he saw her.
He studied Alyssa when she made a sound in her sleep. A lock of her hair and fallen onto her face. He
leaned down and brushed the tendril back, careful not to wake her. He sighed knowing he had no
right to be there, but also knowing that he would not have been able to sleep a wink if he had not
looked in on her. He also knew his presence in her bedroom was about more than that. It was about
wanting to be close to Alyssa.
He hated knowing how much he had wanted to see her and be with her. Clint fervently hoped that
by the morning he would have regained control of the situation. He had to get whatever emotions he
was battling in check and start putting her at a distance.
He frowned as he turned to leave the room and contemplated his plan of action with difficulty. It
would mean more days spent away from the ranch. That had been his plan in the beginning. Then
why did the thought of following through with his original strategy leave such a bitter taste in his
Upon awaking the next morning, Alyssa heard a group of men talking not far from her bedroom
window. She got out of her bed and slipped into her robe before crossing the floor to the window
and glancing out. Her heart nearly stopped beating. The three men she saw were among those who
had left the ranch with Clint, which could only mean he had returned, as well. She couldn t help the
smile that covered her lips as she headed for the bathroom.
Less than thirty minutes later she was dressed and eager to get down to breakfast before Clint left
for the day. She felt a burning desire to see him, come face-to-face with him and get all into his
space. She looked at herself one last time in the mirror before she left the room. She didn t look bad
in her jeans and shirt, she thought with a smile. She also wore the new boots she had purchased the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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