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only the one who descended from heaven to earth, namely the Son of man, who
originates from Heaven. This Son of Man, Jehoshua continued to teach him, He must
be exalted again by the Earth, the same as Moses exalted a serpent in the desert,
which as the Book of Wisdom says, is identical with the Son of Man.
-(The Wisdom of Solomon 16-7)
In answer to the question, who this mysterious "Son of Man" is, Rabbi Jehoshua
replied at a different part of the Bible:
"Yet for a little while is the LIGHT in you. Walk as if you have
already obtained the LIGHT, so that the darkness will not overcome
you. Whosoever walks in darkness, cannot see whither he goes.
Believe in the LIGHT, while you have it in you, so that you become
"Sons of the Light."
-(John 12; verse 35-36)
The great First HUMAN BEING (Adam-Kadmon) is GOD, the FATHER Himself,
whose very Image or SON is the pure God-Man (Christ).
"And above the heaven that was over their heads, was a likeness of a
throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of
the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it."
-(Ezekiel 1-26)
"I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the Son of Man came
with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancients of days, and they
brought him near before him."
-(Daniel 7-13)
"And in the midst of seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man."
-(Revelation of St. John 1-13)
In the Human Being itself the "SON" of the mysterious Archetype Human Being is
being born.
Alchemy Unveiled Page 117
"The great secret of the Samothracians, which is unutterable and which
only the Initiates know. They however have knowledge in the greatest
of detail about ADAM as their First Human Being."
-(Church-Father Hippolytos)
Before the fall, the heavenly Adam was the pure image of the divine Father, the Proto-
Adam. After the fall, this image (Zelem Aelohim) had become darkened in Adam, and
he himself became "Adam Belial" (fallen Adam). That is therefore the one in us, the
Son of Man, who descended from heaven, who must again be exalted to his first
dignity and then he should ascend to heaven.
Moses (the divine Genius) exalted a serpent in the (inner) desert. It was the same
serpent, through whose suggestion Adam turned away from God and fell; namely the
serpent of reason and the intellectual nature (Neshamah). Originally, this serpent was
heavenly and had wings. But, he fell first, and through this, he lost his wings and
became an Earth-Serpent.
"I beheld Satan as lightning from heaven."
-(Luke 10-18)
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil,
and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the
-(Revelation 12-9)
Because, the meaning of "nachath" in hebrew is "descend", "neshath" on the other
hand means "to become exalted", "ascend".
The serpent (Nachash) is therefore the descending Spirit, which nourishes itself from
the dust (Aphar), that means, Earth-Spirit. Neshamah, on the other hand, is the
ascending or heavenly Spirit, the exalted serpent!
Adam himself however, should be dissolved to Adamah (red Earth) again, from the
dust (Aphar) from which he was made.
In order to properly understand this, one must know that there are two Adams: the
archetype heavenly Adam (Christ) as spiritual image of God (Zelem Aelohim), and
the "Adam made out of dust," the earthly embodiment of the first. Only the latter fell,
and his fall was caused by the loss of his divine image (Zelem Aelohim).
Adam means "Blood." The body's life (Nephesh) is in his blood.
-(Leviticus XVII-14)
Adam is therefore the in-the-blood living and moving Animal-Soul (Nephesh). In
hebrew, Adamah also means "red Earth," but the external coarse Earth (Arez) is not
meant by that. Instead the subtile spiritual Earth, a red tincturial Gold-Dust, a sulfuric-
fixed Spirit-Salt, whereof God created the etheric body of Adam in paradise. This
Aphar min ha Adamah is the same substance out of which, in the inner of the earth,
Gold comes into being. That is why it is called the primum ens auri. This sulfuric
emanation of the Sun, this fleeting Gold of the Philosophers, the incombustible red
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Alchemy Unveiled Page 118
Nature-Sulphur is intimately united with the incorruptible Nature-Salt, and becomes
fixed in the form of a shining kernal or glittering body (corpus solare et lunare).
Therefore, Gold is nothing else but a glittering, yes rather red clay or yellow clay:
Adamah, being made to glitter through the Nature-Salt.
-(Limus Terrae Catholicae.
Khunrath de Chao, p. 194)
Take now, or separate from this (through that in Mercurium
Philophorum resolved moist Nature-Salt this lustre; which in the
beginning was overcome through a now-conceived Salt), and that is
how you get red (incombustible) beautiful mud, or (provided this mud
would be at the same time with the Nature-Salt coagulando figiret)
what would remain would be an exquisite (highly red) Tincture-
Powder and a tingible Gold-Stone.
-(Fr. Beissler, Tree of Life, 1683)
Adam or Adamah is also a subtile highly-red solar earth, a coagulated Sun-Fire, a red
sulphuric smoke (Ruach), the Calidum innatum. Aphar on the other hand is a subtile
lunar earth, a coagulated Mercurial-Water and fixed Silver-Salt, also called Root-
Rabbi Hunna said:
"When Aphar (=dust) (Genesis 2-7), is mentioned, then it is female
earth; when Adamah is mentioned, then it is male earth. The potter
puts together male and female earth, so that his vessels become
-(Midrash Raboth B'reshith Vol. 12)
"That is why we say, that in this World there are four lights, two
heavenly and two central; the heavenly, Sun and Moon, everybody can
see, the central lights however, are covered - one with the earth, the
other with the water. That is why it is not believed that they exist. That
the fire concealed in the earth is of a solar nature, a little coarser than
the Sun.
In the water however, is a thick air of a lunar character, but not as light
as the Moon. The central Sun throws a heated male Salt (Adamah) into
the water; the water accepts it and adds to it its female mucous semen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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