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was ever going to find out.
Taking in a shaky breath to steady his nerves,
Kline reached out and ran a finger down Zaid s
chest.  Actually, I was waiting for you. I have
something important to talk to you about. I
thought you would be gone longer with Chris,
 He was already in another meeting. He said he
would call me when he was finished. So, you have
plenty of time to tell me what it is that you came
here to talk to me about, Zaid answered.
Kline nibbled on his bottom lip. Zaid sure
wasn t making this easy. Finally, mustering up all
his courage, Kline said,  I want you, Zaid.
Zaid s eyes grew dark, although Kline wasn t
sure if it was from desire or anger. Kline was such
Stephani Hecht
a mess at the moment, there was no way he could
even begin to detect the moods of another.
Besides, that was more his twin s game than his.
 It wouldn t be right. I m your superior
officer, Zaid argued.
 You didn t seem to mind about that when you
were mauling me back in the tunnels.
Zaid shook his head.  That was momentary
lapse of control.
 No, that was you showing your true feelings.
Face it, Zaid, we were made for each other. We
can t continue to deny it, no matter how much we
want to. Kline took a few steps forward and
pressed his body close to Zaid s.  Now, are you
finally going to do the right thing and claim me or
In Plain Sight
Chapter Ten
aid didn t know if it was a gift or a curse that
he was being given, but damned if he was a
strong enough man to refuse the offer. Not when
Kline was asking in such a beseeching manner, his
face full of emotion. At that moment, Zaid would
have given anything& anything to see the
expression in Kline s eyes, but those damned
glasses blocked his view.
 Are you sure that s what you really want?
Zaid asked.  Because once I claim you, I m not
going to give you up. You ll be stuck with me
Kline tilted his head back, all but begging for a
kiss.  I ve never been more sure of anything in my
life. I want to be yours and yours alone. I wouldn t
be here right now if that wasn t the case.
That comment was enough to shred the last bit
of Zaid s self-control. Leaning down, he crushed
their lips together in a hard, commanding kiss.
Just like before, Kline instantly went pliant in
Stephani Hecht
Zaid s arm, allowing Zaid to take complete
control. Ah, just like Zaid liked it. He loved being
in charge in and out of bed, which made Kline the
perfect mate for him. He let Zaid take control, but
not enough where Kline was a complete doormat,
This time, Zaid didn t have to urge Kline to
open his mouth, the Omega did it all on his own.
In fact, he seemed quite eager about it, almost as if
he couldn t wait to get another taste of Zaid again.
Which was fine with Zaid, since he knew that he
was dying to get another sampling of his soon-to-
be mate.
Blindly reaching in front of him, Zaid opened
the door and pushed it open. Once the door
swung free, Zaid pushed Kline inside, then kicked
it shut, offering them privacy for the first time
For once, Zaid was happy to see that Walsh
wasn t home. The last thing he needed was for his
one remaining roommate to make some smartass
remark. Still, since Walsh had left the living room
a mess, Zaid quickly led Kline through it and to
his bedroom.
One there, Zaid didn t turn on the overhead
light. Instead, he flipped on his nightstand lamp
which was much dimmer. Kline smiled his thanks
as he finally took off his sunglasses, allowing Zaid
to have a gander at those beautiful blue eyes.
In Plain Sight
 That feels much better. Thank you, Kline
 I want to be looking into your eyes when I
take you for the first time.
Kline licked his lips, his pink tongue teasing
Zaid in so many different ways.  I like the sounds
of that. How should we start?
 I think we should go with undressing each
other. How does that sound to you? Zaid
suggested with a tiny grin.
A small blush appeared on Kline s cheeks.  I
think that s a great idea.
The two men approached each other and began
to gently pull at each other s clothing. At first,
Kline seemed to be nervous and in a rush, his
hands trembling and fumbling around. Zaid
gently grabbed them and said,  Shhh& babe, we
have all the time in the world. Let s take our time
and enjoy this. After all, our first time is supposed
to be special, right?
Kline blinked up at him and the nerves
suddenly appeared to evaporate from his body.
He even managed one of those dazzling smiles of
his.  I guess you do have a point there.
He then slowed down, his smaller hands
working on Zaid s clothing until both of them
were nude. Once that was complete, Zaid didn t
waste any time in reaching out and pulling Kline
to him. He d yearned for so long to feel the
Stephani Hecht
Omega s naked flesh pressed against his that Zaid
couldn t wait any more.
Zaid couldn t help but let out a small groan.
Kline felt wonderful, soft, yet hard at the same
time. His thin body, tight in all the right places
with muscles. Unable to help himself, Zaid began
to trace all the ridges and dips, his finger mapping
out all of Kline s body.
Kline began to sway, a moan slipping from his
body, but otherwise he kept still, letting Zaid have
his fill. Kline s cock was hard and standing
straight out, its tip leaking pre-cum. Zaid gathered
some on his fingers and brought them to his lips,
savoring the sweet taste. Zaid was tempted to get [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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