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theme. Shawn had been told earlier that the Snack Chamber had been reserved for his
brothers and Kitty.
The woman who had consistently invaded his mind the last hour or so had not
arrived. But already the thought of her made his cock rise with anticipation.
Damn this outfit, he thought as his toga rose.
Shawn s attire was again a toga made of white Egyptian linen, and a gold medallion
and chain hung around his waist. Brown sandals with black straps wound around each
powerful leg to mid-calf, where the strings of leather were tied.
The Thorensons had modeled their island to resemble a Roman palace, the same
place where sexual discovery evolved so many years ago on Earth.
A spicy scent filled the air as a roasted pig on a wooden slab, carried by two slaves,
passed by. Steam rose from the delectable cuisine, the smell making his mouth salivate
Mackenzie McKade
and his stomach growl. Had he eaten today? He couldn t remember as his only
thoughts had been of Kitty since her arrival.
The woman was becoming a nuisance in his head, crowding his thoughts with
memories of the way her mouth had felt against his lips and around his cock. His
member jerked beneath his toga. Tatiana, the dark-haired slave who had graced his bed
more than once smiled, her eyes glued to his groin. Her come-and-get-me look was
dismissed as Kitty entered the room.
Just the sight of the woman made Shawn short-winded. She looked refreshed as if a
shower had breathed new life into her. Shoulders back, head held high, a river of hair
flamed around her shoulders as she stood quietly beside Passion Flower. But the pink
tinting her cheeks gave her away. It was only a pretentious show on her part. Several
times her fists clenched and unclenched. She visibly attempted to restrain herself from
drawing back and shielding her body from the appreciative eyes that lingered on her.
And how could they help but look?
The woman wore a lacy white bustier that lifted and presented her full breasts, but
covered nothing, leaving her luscious nipples free. She wore a matching garter belt that
held up white stockings which caressed her shapely legs, yet she wore no underwear.
Her fiery curls were bare for all to enjoy. The stilettos gave her an extra three inches that
almost made her eye level with him.
Several Masters eyed her and then their own slaves, their gazes moving back to the
redhead. One Master in particular rose from the table and headed in her direction. No
woman could even come close to Kitty in looks or sensuality, and if Shawn had his way
no man would be allowed near her.
A stalwart man with brown hair stood before her.  I don t believe we ve met. I m
Matthew Collins, Master Collins.
As Shawn approached he heard her say,  Ci uh Kitty Carmichael.
Collins grin nearly undid Shawn as recognition brightened the man s eyes.  Ah,
yes, Kitty Carmichael, I ve heard of you. You work for the Kohler Advertising Agency. I
didn t realize you would be here.
Kitty visibly flinched at his words. Something close to panic filled her eyes. Her
tongue swiped a path between her lips and she swallowed, hard. Her chest rose,
catching the man s attention as she pulled in a deep breath then released it slowly. Her
nipples tightened under the man s scrutiny sending red-hot jealousy through Shawn.
 Yes, I can see this is going to be a very profitable vacation. Collins smiling brown
eyes finally focused on her face and away from her full breasts.  Since I have an account
with Kohler, perhaps we could mix business with pleasure.
Before Shawn could speak, Terrance was beside him. What did his brother do run
across the damn room?
 That may be possible as Slave Kitty will be auctioned off three nights from now,
Terrance said.
Both Kitty s and Shawn s glares met Terrance s nonchalant expression.
The Charade
Laughter broke out, loud and rambunctious at a table across the room. Two men
had chosen to sample their slaves offerings between their thighs instead of the food
spread generously across the table. One brawny man in particular insisted that the
young man to his left taste both women to break the contest as to whose slave was the
Shawn figured by Kitty s deep frown she wanted, as much as he did, to knock the
lingering grin from Terrance s face.
She took a deep breath.  I don t think& I  [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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