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he d be sheathing himself in her tightness.
He couldn t wait.
His hands shook as he opened the tiny package. Why didn t they make them easier to
open? His fingers fumbled. Did she notice?
 Here. Let me. Her hoarse voice broke into his concentration.
Yep, she d noticed, but she didn t comment or joke. The time for teasing had passed. It
was time to consummate.
She took the condom wrapper and slit the tab open with her long pink fingernail. Then
she held them up for his inspection.  Claws.
Good thing for him, too. He grabbed for the wrapper before suddenly pulling his hand
 Don t want it? She arched a brow at him.
 No? Now she had that unsure quality to her voice. That tone saying she didn t know
what to do. He liked her off balance. Liked the way her brows knitted together when she
was unsure of herself.
 I want you to put it on me. He held his breath as he waited to see what her reaction
would be to that order.
A grin lit her face, lightening it with her amusement.  I can do that.
Yes, his Mckenzie liked to be ordered around.
Her agreement spiraled through him. He d thought that he couldn t get more turned
on, but then he got hit in the solar plexus with her submission. What a woman. His woman.
The Sixth Curse of Spring 65
God, though he d thought of her when he d moved home, he d never expected to win
her. To have sex with her one of his first nights back. Wholly surprising and wholly right.
She took his cock in her hand as he straightened up. She was liable to kill him with her
effort. It would be an excellent way to die.
 Hmmmm. She looked down at his throbbing cock. The appreciation in her eyes made
him burn even more. She moved her hand away slightly.
His wayward member followed her movement. Craving her touch. Like he did
She clasped him again with a firm grasp. Her warm hand sped soft as silk around his
 Condom, he croaked.
 In a minute.
 Now. He would explode soon if something didn t happen quickly. He needed to be
inside her.
That was until she lowered her mouth to kiss him on his tip. His need transferred into
something completely different. Her tongue traced a pattern around the head of his cock.
He arched back, sitting up to give her access. To give her all the room she needed. Her
mouth had a siren s pull on him, especially when it took in his cock completely.
She gently placed her mouth on him, going up and down, slowly taking him farther
into her warmth.
A moan broke from his lips. His thighs quivered with the effort of keeping himself
upright while she was doing that to him. So much for sitting up to give her the access she
needed. He needed to lie down. His body felt wobbly with need.  Mac.
She didn t answer but drew him in even more deeply.
Something he felt all the way to his balls.
66 Mechele Armstrong
She sucked on him like he was a straw.
When she finally removed her mouth to grin at him and say,  Now, let s put that
condom on, he was almost incoherent. He rested so close to coming.
He pushed her head back down.  Finish it. He thrust his cock in her face. Needed her
mouth back on him. Needed to come in the worst and best ways. He was past caring how it
 Yes. She ended the word with her mouth going around his cock again.
His hips thrust forward as she enveloped him tightly, taking him as deeply as she could
and sucking even more around him.
He grabbed the back of her head, holding on for purchase as he pressed himself as far
into her as he could get.
Faster and faster, she went down on him until in one blinding moment of bliss, his
orgasm hit hard enough he saw stars.
She drank him down as though he was the best drink she d had in a long time, not
letting much of his essence escape. When she removed her mouth from him, she let her lips
linger over his flesh, going as slowly as she could.
She straightened up to look at him, licking her lips. The sight of the pink tip of her
tongue caused an aftershock to rock his body.
He swallowed, running his hand down her head. He leaned in to kiss her fully, tasting
saltiness on her tongue.
She d swallowed for him.
After the kiss, he leaned his forehead against hers, resting it there.
 Guess we don t need the condom.
 We will. Later. He opened his eyes as she pulled away from him. Her loving face
shone in the dying light like a beacon to all his emotions.
The Sixth Curse of Spring 67
 I love you, Mac.
He kissed her again, fiercely. Wildly. With all the pent up passion he d never
anticipated using on her.
 I think I always have.
He stroked her face gently, watching her reactions and memorizing each feature.
A fresh dewdrop of a tear rolled from one eye.  I think I love you, too. No one has ever
made me feel like this.
 There s more. He d see that she experienced everything.
 I m going to use many condoms tonight. Show you how much more.
* * * * *
Deidre crowed in her position in the tree above the couple.
I knew he was a selfish bastard.
He d taken his pleasure and given Mckenzie none. No matter she d had a couple of
accidental orgasms before. Mckenzie had tried to pull away from that snaky thing hanging
out of his pants. He d pushed her back down.
She had proof he acted badly to Mckenzie. Not that she d needed a reason, but now she
had one.
He was like them all. All men were the same.
Selfish. Assholes. Controlling.
Mckenzie would be better off without him.
Not that Deidre doubted her own wisdom, but the evidence made her ever more sure.
You ll be happier once I take care of this.
68 Mechele Armstrong
Much happier.
Deidre sniffed. Rain would be coming soon. More thunder crackles echoed. The
coming storm would chase the lovers inside.
No matter. Her curses would reign supreme. She couldn t wait to say aloud the curse
that would keep them apart forever. Mckenzie would never fall in love with the bastard.
Someday soon, he d have a dick problem the experts couldn t fix. Not even Viagra
would solve his issues.
The Sixth Curse of Spring 69
Chapter Seven
I gave Jake Bremmer a blowjob. Mckenzie shivered at the thought that kept rolling
through her head.
She d enjoyed every single moment of the act.
Couldn t wait to do it again, in fact. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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