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used for emphasizing how true something is, or for saying that mos The syndrome is unquestionably fuelled by the
unquestionably bez wÄ…tpienia adv /Œn kwestƒ(Y)nYb(Y)li/ t people believe it media s own obsession with celebrities.
the act of harming or killing someone because they have done Both sides were locked in a cycle of violence
vengeance zemsta n U / vend’(Y)ns/ something bad to you and vengeance.
the main bad character in a story, play, film etc. The main good
villain złoczyńca * n C / vjlYn/ character is the hero or heroine He s just like the villain out of a James Bond film.
someone who is vindictive is cruel to anyone who hurts them and Divorced couples often become quite vindictive
vindictive mściwy, karzący adj /vjn djktjv/ will not forgive them towards each other.
vow skÅ‚adać Å›luby v /vaŠ/ to promise that you will do something I vowed that I would never gamble again.
wicked niegodziwy, nikczemny * adj / wjkjd/ morally wrong and deliberately intending to hurt people I knew that it was a wicked thing to do.
witness świadek ** n C / wjtnYs/ someone who sees a crime, accident, or other event happen Witnesses reported hearing two gunshots.
wizard czarodziej n C / wjzY(r)d/ a man in stories who has magic powers He is a powerful wizard.
Unit 10
Reflexive verbs
dostosować się, to change your ideas or behaviour so that you can deal with a new At some point in their life, everybody has to
adapt yourself zaadaptować v /Y dæpt jY(r) self/ situation adapt themselves to new circumstances.
to be willing to accept what you have, although you would prefer to Initially, she contented herself with simply
content yourself zadowalać się v / kRntent jY(r) self/ have something else looking after her family.
You re just deceiving yourself if you think he ll
deceive yourself oszukiwać siÄ™ v /djÈsi v jY(r) self/ to refuse to believe something because you do not want to come back to you.
to damage yourself so severely that you
destroy yourself niszczyć siÄ™ v /djÈstrTj jY(r) self/ no longer exist or can never return to your normal state Selfish groups destroy themselves.
wyróżniać się
distinguish yourself (pozytywnie) v /djÈstjKawjƒ jY(r) self/ to do something very well so that people notice and respect you He distinguished himself during the war.
endanger yourself narażać siÄ™ v /jn dejnd’Y(r) jY(r) self/ to put yourself in a situation where you might be harmed or They endanger themselves in the process.
People express themselves through their actions
express yourself wyrażać się v /jk spres jY(r) self/ to show your feelings in a particular way more than their words.
Straightforward Elementary Second edition © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012
Straightforward Second Edition Wordlist
to feel proud about an achievement, skill, or special quality that Margaret prided herself on being fair and honest
pride yourself szczycić się v /prajd jY(r) self/ you have with all of her students.
to tell yourself again about an event from the past or about It s a good idea to remind yourself from time to
remind yourself przypomnieć sobie v /rjÈmajnd jY(r) self/ a fact that you used to know time that life is short.
Many animals, including humans, are prepared
sacrifice yourself poÅ›wiÄ™cić siÄ™ v / sækrjfajs jY(r) self/ to allow yourself to die in order to save other people to sacrifice themselves for their family.
Collocations with
give (sb) a call zadzwonić do kogoÅ› phr / ajv Y kTÐl/ to telephone someone I may give him a call.
give (sth) a clean umyć, posprzątać coś phr / ajv Y kli n/ to remove the dirt from something I'll give the car a clean before we leave.
give a damn dbać o coÅ› phr / ajv Y dæm/ to care about someone or something I don t give a damn.
give (sb) a hand pomóc komuÅ› phr / ajv Y hænd/ to help someone People often ask me to give them a hand.
give (sb) a powodować ból głowy phr / ajv Y hedejk/ to cause someone to have a pain in their head Hard work often gives me a headache.
przysporzyć komuś My colleague is giving me some problems at the
give (sb) problems problemów phr / ajv prRblYmz/ to cause trouble or difficulty moment.
to talk to a group of people about a particular subject, especially at
give a lecture prowadzić wykÅ‚ad phr / ajv Y lektƒY(r)/ a college or university He gave a really interesting lecture last week.
give a lot of thought przemyÅ›leć phr / ajv Y lRt Yv ¸TÐt/ to think carefully about something I don t give a lot of thought to my future.
give (sb) a piece of / ajv Y pi s Yv jY(r) I'm going to give him a piece of my mind when I
your mind ostro kogoś krytykować phr majnd/ to criticize someone very strongly see him.
give (sb) a second dać komuś chwilę phr / ajv Y sekYnd/ to wait for someone for a short period of time Hang on, give me a second.
give a speech przemówić phr / ajv Y spi tƒ/ to speak to an audience on a formal occasion I have to give a speech today in front of 100 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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