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groups are.
Sport: new equipment to be used while training
4 Could you possibly give me some information about the
13 The student makes about 12 pauses.
events that are held in summer?
5 Would it be possible to give the tickets back?
Zapis nagrania
7 Zadanie otwarte
Examiner How much do we depend on science today?
Student I think we depend [pause] on science a lot. Our
everyday life is [pause]. There are a lot of examples
in our everyday life. We wear clothes [pause] which
are produced by help of science I think like [pause]
Lycra and [pause] rayon.
Every day scientists work on new medicines to
fight cancer and other problems. Another example
is [pause] television. We can watch [pause] hi-
definition programmes and in [pause] 3D. I think.
Also in [pause] transport science is important. We
Zapis nagrania
can travel faster [pause] thanks to new engines and
This is a photograph of a man who is sitting at a computer. He
[pause] we can [pause] travel more safely.
must be a businessman  he is wearing a white shirt and a tie.
14 Zadanie otwarte He might be checking something on the Internet.
Or he is talking online with a partner and checking share prices
15 Zadanie otwarte
in a newspaper. Yes, I think he must be talking to somebody as
16 Zadanie otwarte
he is wearing a microphone headset. They are probably talking
about business.
5 Zadanie otwarte
page 140 6 Zadanie otwarte
1 Zadanie otwarte
7 Zadanie otwarte
8 Zadanie otwarte
Vocabulary, page 140
9 Zadanie otwarte
2 1 upload 7 search
10 Zadanie otwarte
2 log 8 use
3 click 9 download 11 Zadanie otwarte
4 hack 10 make
12 Zadanie otwarte
5 google 11 save
6 visit 12 log
3 Zadanie otwarte
CULTURE, page 144
1 Zadanie otwarte
4 1 non-fiction 3 an article
Vocabulary, page 144
2 more formal
2 1 patent 5 invent
5 1 A 2 C 3 C
2 discover 6 do
6 1 D 2 A 3 A 4 D 5 B
3 design 7 do
7 Zadanie otwarte 4 find 8 construct
3 1 invention 4 discoverer
Vocabulary, page 141
2 patent 5 construct
8 1 take off 4 come about
3 inspiration
2 put together 5 split up
4 1 invention 5 inspiration
3 take up 6 slow down
2 constructed 6 discovery
9 Zadanie otwarte
3 constructor 7 discovered
4 patented 8 inspiration
5 Zadanie otwarte
Grammar, page 142
1 b
6 1 similar
2 1 the 5 an 9 The 13 a 17 the 21 a
 A couple means  two .
2 the 6 the 10 a 14 an 18 the
2 not similar
3 the 7 a 11 the 15 the 19 the
 Most computer shops does not mean  some shops .
4 the 8 the 12 the 16 a 20 the
3 similar
 Young adults is a synonym of  people in their twenties and
3 1 The Moon is a planet.
thirties ; the fact they hardly ever visit a bank means they
2 IT specialists earn good salaries.
usually do banking online.
3 What s the name of the inventor who visited our school
7 1 F 2 T 3 F
last week?
4 correct
Zapis nagrania
5 That s the least comfortable car I have ever sat in.
Interviewer Hello and welcome to Technology Today. Now
6 This is the third time I have been to this museum.
you may have heard of the English expression
7 The students who took part in the survey are all eighteen.
 Heath Robinson. Basically, if you call something
8 How big is Saturn?
a  Heath Robinson it means that it s a machine
9 Alexander Bell invented the telephone at the age of twenty-
or a device that is unnecessarily complicated
is some way or is generally unbelievable. Heath
10 Most of today s home appliances were invented in the
Robinson was a real person, though he wasn t
twentieth century.
an inventor as you will hear. Anna Jones, an
expert on the subject is here to talk to us. Anna,
EXAM TRAINING, page 143 welcome to the programme.
Anna Thank you. It s good to be here.
4 1 a 3 a 5 a 7 the 9  / the 11 a
Interviewer Can you start by telling us exactly who Heath
2 a 4 a 6 a 8 a 10 a 12 
Robinson was?
Anna Yes, well, William Heath Robinson was born George Well, to stop chickens pecking each other s eyes.
in London, in 1872. He was born into a family Then there are duster slippers for cats. These are
of artists: his father and two brothers were all slippers that you attach to your cat s feet so that
illustrators. it can clean the floor for you as it runs about the
house. Another of my favourites is where you tie
Interviewer Is that how he started his career then, as an
your wet washing to the roof of your car so that
it dries while you re driving around. And let s not
Anna Yes, that s right. He was a book illustrator and
forget the all-over plastic swimming costume
he worked on children s books such as the
that stops you getting wet!
fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen and
Interviewer Are there any rules for ChindMgu?
Shakespeare s tales. He also wrote a couple of
children s stories. Then in around 1915, he began George Yes, there are some quite strict rules. For
to draw cartoons for magazines and adverts. example, the inventions must never be patented
or for sale. They are ideas only and they must
Interviewer Were they cartoons of machines?
never be offensive either. Although they re
Anna Yes, they were, and they were often operated by
funny, it s really quite a serious business.
funny bald men in glasses. And the machines
were always powered by steam kettles or
9 Zadanie otwarte
candles and lamps or something, and they were
always very complicated.
Culture, page 145
Interviewer What kind of machines were they?
10 T-shaped, operated by hand, with three positions
Anna Well, there was one to silence cats for example.
11 1 inventing 3 had experimented
The machine went through a very complicated
2 fixing 4 patent
process of throwing water onto a noisy cat.
12 Zadanie otwarte
8 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F
Zapis nagrania
Interviewer Hello and welcome to Technology Today. Now
Grammar, page 146
& inventors have been inventing amazing
and useful objects for thousands of years
1 Zadanie otwarte
that make our lives easier. Think of the wheel,
2 1 made 3 used
the aeroplane, the mobile phone, but what
2 patented 4 invented
about all the completely useless things that
have also been invented? Today I m talking to
3 Quiz answers:
George Green who is a writer and expert on the
1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b
Japanese art of ChindMgu. George, welcome to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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