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without any clear medical reason.
Genotype: The particular set of genes
that a person has for a particular trait
Id: One of three theoretical parts of
or feature. For example, the genotype
the mind, first established by Sig-
for blue eyes is the set of genes that
mund Freud, that represents a per-
codes for that eye color. The actual
son s primal urges, such as sexual and
blue color is called the phenotype, or
aggressive impulses. The id is theo-
how the genotype is represented.
retically kept in control by the con-
Grief: A process during which a per- science, or the superego.
son mourns the loss of something,
Imaging: The process of looking at
whether that be a loved one, a home,
parts of the human body that cannot
or even something less tangible, like
be seen from the outside. Examples
self-esteem. If grief persists for a long
include x-rays, CAT scans and MRIs.
time or becomes very serious, it can
Insomnia: Difficulty with or an
turn into depression.
inability to sleep at night. Insomnia
Guilt: A feeling that one has done
can involve trouble falling asleep, wak-
something wrong. Often accompa-
ing up too early and not being able to
nied by the feeling that one should be
fall back asleep, or multiple awaken-
ings during the night. Generally, peo-
Hypnosis: A form of therapy in
ple are then tired the next day.
which a therapist induces a patient
Associated with anxiety, depression,
into an enhanced state of relaxation,
drug abuse, and medical conditions.
possibly allowing for deeper memories
Limbic system: The part of the brain
or feelings to surface. This technique
that controls emotional responses
has been questioned recently in courts
and experiences.
because of the propensity for people to
be suggestible under hypnosis and LPN: Licensed practical nurse. A
possibly remember  false memories. basic-level nurse who has at least one
year of training and has passed a
Hypochondriasis: An exaggerated
state-administered licensing exam.
fear that one has an illness or disease
LPNs are often supervised by an RN.
based on a misinterpretation of a
bodily symptom and without any
Masochism: A style of thinking and
medical basis. For example, one may
behavior that involves a desire, either
think that he has a brain tumor
conscious or unconscious, to be pun-
because he has a headache.
ished or to be submissive to another.
IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome. A While many people associate this
group of symptoms, often associated term only with sexual activity, it can
with anxiety and more frequently also apply to people who take on more
found in women, that involves abdom- work than they can handle, who push
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1 0 0 Q U E S T I O N S & A N S W E R S A B O U T A N X I E T Y
themselves to unbelievable limits, or testing or one s personality. In its
who have difficulty saying,  No. most basic sense, neurosis means
responding to present stimuli with
MD: Medical doctor. The degree
prior expectations.
that all physicians attain after suc-
cessfully completing four years of
Neurotransmitter: A chemical mes-
medical school.
senger in the nervous system that
carries a message from one neuron to
Meditation: A process of deep relax-
the next. Examples include serotonin
ation and intense focus, originated in
and norepinephrine.
India, during which contentment,
decreased physical tension, and re-
Norepinephrine: A neurotransmitter
duced anxiety are attained.
(chemical) that helps regulate mood
and other physical symptoms of anxiety.
Mindfulness: A state of being aware
of all of the details of one s surround-
Obsession: A repetitive, intrusive
ings. This technique is often used as
thought that is difficult for one to get rid
a way to reach a state of meditation
of, despite a knowledge that the thought
or relaxation.
is unreasonable. Sometimes obsessions
Mood stabilizer: A psychiatric med- can be relieved by compulsions.
ication that is used to balance mood
Panic attack: A severe anxiety attack
states. Mood stabilizers are particu-
that can last for several minutes to an
larly helpful in bipolar disorder
hour, usually without any obvious
(manic-depression) to prevent severe
trigger, that involves multiple symp-
depression or dangerous manias.
toms, including extreme fear, trouble
MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging.
breathing, increased heart rate, sweat-
A type of imaging in which parts of
ing, and shakes.
the body, such as the brain, are visu-
Pathologic: This refers to any medical
alized in much more detail than on a
condition that is considered abnormal.
CAT scan. The process of an MRI
Pathophysiology: The mechanisms
involves lying in a narrow tube for up
of disease processes in the body and
to an hour; this can be difficult for
the ways in which disease alters nor-
people with claustrophobia.
mal structure and function.
Neurochemistry: The study of the
PhD: Doctor of Philosophy. This
mechanisms and chemical compo-
degree is attained after one success-
nents of the nervous system, includ- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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