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Japanese press lets us know in detail. His first and only
legal wife, who was fifty-eight, said: "I am now resigned to
my fate, but I wish I had been more resolute when he took
his second wife." This was all she would say in her own
For the remainder of her story we turn to her husband, a
friend, and his other wives. Said the painter: "My legal wife
now lives quietly with our son, daughter-in-law, and grand-
children. We were married when I was twenty-four and she
was twenty-two and both of us were engaged in teaching.
After our marriage we enjoyed nine years of peaceful life
and had one child.
 In the fall of 1927 I went to my wife with some hesi-
tation and told her: 'I have a lovely young sweetheart. What
shall I do with her?' My wife answered shortly: 'That's none
of my business. Do what you want with her!'
"But in reality my wife was greatly shocked. She made a
secret visit to the coffee shop where my sweetheart worked
Mistress-Keeping in Japan / 57
and found her to be a girl of uncommon beauty. The girl was
twenty-three at the time she became my second wife."
The painter's first wife later confessed to a friend: "I
regret having approved of my husband's conduct at that time.
But then I thought it was a virtue for a woman to obey her
husband blindly. If I had been able to resist more strongly,
things would not have turned out like this. No wife should
remain calm when she knows her husband loves another
woman." To take her mind off her husband's affair, Mrs.
Legal Wife or Mrs. Principal, as the other wives called her,
took up weaving. After she had become reconciled to her
position, she wove things not only for her husband but for
his other wives as well.
In former years all of Japan's major newspapers covered the mizu
shobai faithfully, particularly with regard to news about geisha
and their patrons. The last of the large "sex papers" to go more or
less legitimate was the Naigai Times, which is still enough of a
"man's" paper to cause tongue wagging and raised eyebrows
when mentioned in polite company. Now the goings on in
Japan s  water business is covered down to heavy breathing
and weird sounds by a collection of weekly magazines.
The second wife tells her story: "He was my first sweet-
heart. I fell in love with him when I was in the sixth grade of
primary school and he was a young teacher. I met him again
by chance after an interval of ten years, and we reminisced
about the old school days. Two months later I met him again
when he was out with his son. I was shocked to discover that
he had a child, but I still loved him and couldn't give him up.
I was not conscious of any feeling of immorality, but I felt
sorry for his legal wife.
 I worked very hard and eventually became the manager
of a small coffee shop. His wife often came to me for
assistance, and I supported them with the proceeds from my
shop. When I became pregnant, I wasn't worried about the
Mistress-Keeping in Japan / 58
future of my child because my husband was so devoted to
me. I felt like his true wife.
"After about ten years I moved to Tokyo. One day I told
him half jokingly that I wouldn't mind if he found himself
another wife in Osaka. Soon afterward he confessed that he
had taken a third wife, a twenty-four-year-old girl who was
studying painting under him. He asked me if he could bring
her to meet me. When I became angry and refused, he
reminded me of my casual remark earlier. One day when I
returned home from shopping, there was a young woman
sitting in our drawing room.
 I knew immediately who it was. But, strangely, we
liked each other and quickly became close friends like
sisters. She comes up to Tokyo with my husband every
other month and stays with us for about ten days.
"When we three are together, it often upsets me because
he is more helpful and attentive toward her than toward me.
I sometimes get very angry with him and treat him harshly,
especially when he is ill in bed. I have two daughters by him,
but I don't want any of his property. He taught me to make
dolls and glass pictures, so I am financially independent. He
often tells me that I am free to do whatever I want. My life
hasn't been the happiest one, but it has been more fortunate
than unhappy. His legal wife is a fine woman, and his third
wife is very intelligent. But I excel them in one respect. I am
a good cook, and he prefers my cooking to theirs."
The third wife says: "I think I am the happiest woman in
the world. Ten years ago, when I was twenty-four, I fell in
love with him even though I knew he had two wives. My
parents were shocked speechless when he proposed that I
become his third wife. I had had many proposals of mar-
riage before that time. But I made up my mind to marry him
because I knew I would never meet another man like him.
Now some of my friends envy me. They say: 'You have
lived your own way, haven't you?' [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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