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And this was where she finally fell into familiar territory. He wanted sex from her. Just like the
foreman. But 83
F814 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines)
at least, Solus treated her gently. She d noted the care he took with her even when she attacked him.
Perhaps it wouldn t be as horrible as before. Human women endured it all the time. She survived the
lusts of the foreman. Would the lust of a cyborg differ? The embrace Solus gave her in the hall
intrigued her, even aroused her making her wonder if perhaps the act of copulation would be more
enjoyable with him. Only one way to find out. She raised her tunic over her head, baring her upper
 What are you doing? His query emerged low and harsh.
She finished pulling off her shirt and looked at him.
He appeared angry, his brow knit, his lips pulled taut in a straight line while his eyes glowered at her.
 The foreman wanted me nude when we fornicated.
Are cyborgs different?
His brows shot up.  You want to have sex with me? Did she? I do. It would be nice to have a basis
for comparison. She shrugged.  I cannot very well stop you, so what is the point in fighting. She
settled onto her back and let her hands unfasten the top of her trousers.
 Cover yourself, he snarled.  And don t you ever, ever tell me you don t have a choice. You own
your body.
You. Not me. Not that fucking foreman, Nobody, but you.
Do you understand me?
She sat back up, leaving her upper torso bare.  No. I don t. I can tell you were thinking of copulation
or at least your body was, she said eyeing his groin pointedly.  I offered to let you use my body
without a fight. And now you are angry.
He dropped to his knees in front of her and leaned close, close enough their noses almost rubbed and
his breath fluttered warmly across her lips.  I won t deny I find you attractive. A lot of males will.
But that doesn t mean I or anyone else has the right to make you do something you don t want. Ever.
My kiss of before was wrong and it won t happen again. You don t have to let anyone touch you. And
if 84
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someone tells you otherwise, you let me know and I will readjust their thinking with my fist.
 Why would you do that? I am not that important.
 Yes. You. Are. He spat the words out with a vehemence that made her heart stutter as if it misfired.
She raised a hand to his face, touching his smooth cheek and wondering at his sharply indrawn breath.
She leaned forward, suddenly curious if a second kiss would affect her as much as the first. She
almost found out.
 We can t do this. You re allowing your relief in being rescued cloud your judgment. You don t want
me. And you deserve better.
With that startling announcement, he leapt to his feet and stalked out of the door, leaving her behind,
stunned, and for some reason disappointed.
It occurred to her belatedly what she should have replied. But I do want you. And that was the most
astonishing thing of all.
F814 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines)
Chapter Seven
I know I can t keep them away forever, but I need to try. Need to protect the women I ve come to
regard as sisters. They stand behind me, C791, who prefers the name Chloe, and the small and
dainty B785, who goes by Bonnie. My friends, my honorary sisters, they were not made to
withstand the same kind of abuses I can handle. They were made with an entirely different purpose
in mind.
Standing against the soldiers, a part of me realizes my programming is faulty, again. Not for lack
of the scientist trying. They keep trying to make their rules stick, but I keep breaking free. Keep
casting aside their orders to obey. Like hell is my reply.
Despite my bravado, I know I m on not the person I used to be.
They ve done things to me. Things to make me forget. Things that have changed me inside and out.
But they can t change who I am, not at the core. I know right from wrong. I know how to stand up
for myself, and others. I won t stand by and watch my friends be raped. Not while I can still fight.
The trio of soldiers before me laugh as I assume a battle stance, or at least my naïve version. I am
supposed to be a soldier model, but have yet to receive instructions on actual combat. Again, the
 refusing to learn thing. However, I don t need finesse to know I am strong, stronger than the
humans before me. Although, calling them human is an insult to their kind. These are bullies, cruel
jerks who ve spent too much time away from the niceties of society and think they can take what
they want without repercussion. I want to teach them otherwise. They stupidly rush me one at a
time, and I dispatch them easily; a fist here, a kick there. Backing away, they regroup. I m not
stupid enough to think they re done. They ll be back, and I will fight them again. A light touch on
my arm has me looking down.
 I appreciate your attempt, Chloe says.  But, it won t matter in the end. They ll win. They
always win. I know that now and I have accepted my fate.
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