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these watched us solemnly as we passed, but made no move either to come toward
us or to retreat inside. The jeep roared on and we drove down what seemed to
be a sort of center street between the heterogeneous buildings of the human
community. Eight or nine young children were flying kites hi a clearing
half-surrounded by trees, just beyond the village. The picture they made was
so normal and so pre-time storm that It jolted me.
"Where did afl the kids come fromr I asked.
"Some of the people coming in had them," Bffl said, braking the jeep to a hah
before one large quonset hut "And we've had several babies bom here during the
past year. Of course, those are too young to play yet Still, the proportion of
children to adults isn't that large. I dont think we've got more than twenty
of them.**
I shaded my eyes and tried to make out a familiar figure among the darting
young bodies. "Is that Wendy out therer I said.
"I don't think so," said Bill without turning around. "She's probably out with
the dogs somewhere. She handles them now most of the time, instead of Marie;
and they've gotten so that they follow her wherever she goes. Generally, Marie
thinks it's a good thing; and I agree. The dogs are good protection for her.
This is our government building here. Come on in."
He got out of the jeep. I followed him and we went up three wooden steps and
in the front door of the quonset It was like stepping into any busy office.
Behind a low barrier of wooden fencing, there were five desks at which three
men and two women were sitting, typing or engaged in other paperwork. File
cabinets occupied one wall and there was a large copying machine in a corner.
"Where are you getting the power to run an this?" I asked Bill. For the
typewriters were aft electric, and the copier looked as if it had to require
at least a 220 volt tine.
"We put hi a much larger gas generator," said Bin, leading me through a gate
in the wooden fence. "Before fall, we ought to finish a dam on the river and
have a waterpowered generator that'll take care of all our needs for the next
five years."
He led me into a corridor with two doors on each side and opened the first one
on the right briefly.
Page 137
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"Supplies," he said.
I looked in. It was, as he had said, a supply room. Most of the supplies were
clerical; but I saw some stacks of blankets and other material for household
living. A chained and locked gunrack against the far wall of the room held
rifles, and there was a rack of handguns below it, also chained and locked. I
shut the door again and turned to open the door across the way.
"Communications," he said briefly, and led me into a radio room containing two
women, one young and one middle-aged. It was filled with radio equipment that
even to my amateur eye seemed impressive.
"Bebe, Jill," Bill said, "this is Marc Despard."
The two looked up from their panels, smiled and nodded to me. Bill led me out
of the room again.
"Now," said Bill, moving down to knock on the second door on the left, 'this
is - "
"Come in," said Marie's voice.
Bffl smiled at me and led me in. Marie was seated behind a large desk in a
very businesslike office, with papers in front of her. She was looking over
the papers at a lean, big-boned man who must have stood about six feet six
when he was on his feet Right now he was sitting down, dressed in a white
shirt and what seemed to be white duck pants.
Til be right with you, Marc," she said, and picked up what was apparently an
interrupted conversation with the roan in white.
"What you've got to make them understand, Abe, is that if they want to draw
supplies and cook their own meals, they have to do ft according to our rules.
At our convenience, not theirs. Tm not going to put up with anyone either
wasting food or not eating adequately- -any more than I'd put up with their
breaking any of the other laws. That means they submit their menu for the week
in advance to you, you approve it, and then - only then - you authorize one of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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