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that a good enough reason for you, Chandler? My job is it. There s nothing else and focusing on my
job, well, that allows me not to really dwell on the fact that I have no one. I m not like you. I don t
have brothers and I don t have a surrogate family. I&  She broke off, the tears welling and spilling
over her cheeks. Frustration pulled at her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut.  I don t know what else
to say, and I don t want to think about this. I don t want to think about anything.
Chandler did the only thing he could think of in that moment, because all he wanted was for her to
stop crying. Cupping her cheeks, he smoothed away the tears. Their eyes locked, and the flicker of
arousal in her stare was greater than the distrust he also saw.
 You have me, he said, meaning it. The moment he said those words, he knew how true they were.
She had him.
Her mouth opened, but he snaked an arm around her waist and carefully hauled her up against him
and kissed her.
He kissed her in a way he d never really kissed a woman before.
It was a sweet brush of lips and tender pressure, a kiss of reverence, and it shook him to the core.
His hand shook as he smoothed his palm over her cheek, slowly deepening to the kiss. He expected
her to fight him, but her lips parted and her tongue flicked over his first. His arousal surged hard and
heavy, but he slowed it down, not wanting to hurt her or to send her running again.
But she wasn t running now.
Alana looped her uninjured arm around his neck, her hand delving deep in his hair, holding her to
him. The kiss turned fiercer, harder, and it was all her.
 Stay here, he coaxed, letting his hand slip down, over the curve of her breast, to her hip.  Stay
here and I ll make sure you don t think about anything.
Alana shuddered against him and her damp lashes lowered.
He kissed the corner of her lips.  Let me take care of you, Alana.
Her fingers tightened in his hair, causing sharp, delicious sparks of pain in his scalp. Yep, that
turned him on.  Why? she whispered against his mouth.  Why?
 Because I want to. He pressed his lips to her temple.  It s as simple as that. I want to. And if you
let me, you won t regret it. You won t think about a thing. I promise you.
She was silent and still and then she removed her hand from his hair. His stomach tightened and he
prepared for another bout of fighting.
But she placed her cheek against his bare chest and let out a deep, troubled sigh.  Okay, she
whispered.  Okay.
Not one to waste time, especially with this woman, he slid his arm under her knees and picked her
up so that her injured shoulder wasn t placed against his chest. She didn t say anything, just turned her
cheek farther into his chest. His heart thumped heavily when he felt her lips pressed against his skin.
Oh yeah, she wasn t going to be doing any thinking any time soon.
Carrying her back to his bed, he laid her down gently. He hovered over her, his fingers lingering
above the buttons on her blouse.  How is your shoulder?
She stared up at him, her cheeks flushed.  It burns a little and is tender to move, but seriously, it s
not bad.
 Good. He made quick work of the tiny buttons, parting the soft material. Sliding an arm under her
back, he sat her up, and it did strange things to his heart when she rested against him.  Wait until
you re healed. The things I want to do to you& 
He carefully removed the shirt from her shoulder, sliding it over the small bandage covering the
patch of skin. Dropping the material aside, he reached around her, unhooked her bra, and placed a
kiss to the side of her neck.
 Is this how you re going to take care of me? she asked.
 One of the ways. Guiding her down, he leaned over her, soaking in the way she looked in his bed,
only in her panties. She started to cover her chest, but he caught her arms, easing them back to her
sides.  You re absolutely beautiful. No reason to hide yourself.
A flush traveled down her throat and over her chest. Her nipples tightened under the intensity of his
gaze. He smiled and then dipped his head, flicking his tongue over each nipple before sucking one
into his mouth. Her moan reverberated through his skull, an erotic cocktail that made his arousal
almost painful.
Her hips shifted restlessly, drawing his attention. Grinning, he kissed his way down her belly,
lapping and nipping as he went. By the time he pulled off her panties, she was ready for him. He
licked into her sweet hotness, groaning at the taste of what he d been craving since yesterday. Some
men thought this was a chore, but with Alana, it was a fucking blessing. Delving in with his tongue, he
watched her.
Her lips parted and her breasts rose and fell seductively. When his tongue circled her clit, her head
fell back against the pillow and a soft, mewling moan escaped her rosy lips.
 Goddamn, he groaned, his eyes riveted to her face. His body ached to be inside her. There was a
good chance he was going to lose it without even getting his pajama bottoms off. Release was burning
through him, already on the brink of an orgasm. He d never been this hot for a woman before. He d
never fucking cared this much.
The L word was forming in his thoughts, and what did ya know, it didn t freak him out. It didn t
make him want to run for the hills screaming. On the other hand, it made him want to mark her, to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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