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Lauren tried to smile.  Probably save lots of money on decorating and their clothing budget. By the way,
I ve been meaning to ask you, do all you guys have the same decorator or what? She indicated the long
stone hallway they had just left.
 As to that&  Kris didn t finish his sentence. Instead, he collapsed in slow motion to the garage s
concrete floor. Apparently his small reserve of energy had run out.
 Kris?Kris ? Lauren bent by him, slapping his cheeks lightly. His eyelids fluttered but all she could get
from him was a low moan. Unable to think of anything else to do, she pressed her wrist against his
mouth.  Drink, she commanded.
His eyelids fluttered again and he shook his head weakly, trying to push her away.
 Do it, Lauren insisted.  Just enough to get you on your feet long enough to get into one of these cars.
You re too big to lift and the others might be back at any second.
 Don t want& hurt you. His words were muffled but understandable.
 You won t, Lauren said, hoping she was telling the truth. To be honest, she was more than a little
lightheaded and dizzy herself.  Drink just a little. You need it more than me right now.
Unable to refuse her any longer, he bit deeply, drawing in several mouthfuls while she bit her lip against
the mingled pain and pleasure. After what seemed like an eternity he released her. His eyes were a little
brighter now, though not by much. With Lauren s help he managed to stagger to his feet.
 Have to go soon& I m afraid you ll have to drive, I m not up to it.
Lauren eyed his tall, blood-covered figure with concern.  That s an understatement if I ever heard one.
Counting quickly down the long row of cars, she picked a plain black Caddy that looked low-key and,
hopefully, easy to drive. A digital clock on the wall marked the time at just past three a.m. so if she
hurried, she might be able to get Kris back to her house before dawn.
Lauren squished briskly over to the key rack and got the keys corresponding to the Caddy. She was
going to have to be very careful to drive the speed limit. She couldn t begin to think of a good enough
story to explain to a state trooper if she got stopped why she was wearing a blood-soaked dress with an
unconscious and bloody man who was actually a vampire in the backseat.
She unlocked the Caddy, leaving bloody footprints on the brushed concrete floor of the garage and
nodded at Kris.  Climb in the backseat and make yourself comfortable. I ll be the chauffer.
He stumbled to the side of the car and collapsed into the backseat, consciousness leaving almost as soon
as his head hit the leather.
Lauren felt better when Kris was safely stowed in the Caddy, which, like the limo she d ridden in, had a
black glass barrier that could be raised or lowered at will between the front and the back. She searched
around until she found a switch on the wall and opened the door, noting that it was pitch black outside,
without even any exterior lights to aid her. Dimly, winding away into the darkness, she could make out a
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rutted dirt road. She climbed into the Caddy and slammed the door, jamming the key into the ignition.
The dashboard light said three-fifteen a.m. it was time to get rolling.
She thought the damn dirt road was going to go on forever but at last it dead-ended into an intersection
where her only choices were to go left or right. Lauren looked both ways and sighed deeply.  What the
hell, she said aloud, and turned the wheel to the left onto the uneven blacktop.
After twenty minutes of driving with no road signs, she was sure she was lost somewhere in the sticks
when suddenly a familiar green signboard flashed into view.Arlington 20 miles . Lauren sighed with
relief. Once she hit Arlington, she d know where she was. It would be a simple matter of getting on I-64
and taking it to I-81. From I-81 it was a straight shot to Staunton.
Once her anxiety wore off, however, she began to realize how incredibly tired she was. The pain and
terror and anxiety of the past twenty-four to forty-eight hours or however long she d been held captive
was catching up to her. Her emotional, mental and physical reserves were almost exhausted and she was
weak from blood loss and from not eating in two days. There had been two buckets in her cell, one filled
with water and one for other, necessary functions, but the servants of The Dark Eye hadn t bothered to
feed her a thing.
Many times she caught her eyelids closing and twice she snapped them back open just as the car was
drifting into the opposite lane. Driving through the mountainous country that led to the Shenandoah
Valley, changing lanes unexpectedly was no joke. She didn t want to wake up at the bottom of a ravine.
To keep herself awake, Lauren flipped on the radio which was tuned to some kind of current-events
AM station. She listened until the commentators turned into a dull drone that could no longer keep her
awake. Then she punched buttons until she found an eighties station which was a little more lively.
Every once in a while she turned her head to check on Kris but he was still out cold. Only the slow, even
motion of his chest let her know he was still in the land of the living, or the unliving, or whatever. She
Three hours later she finally pulled into the driveway of the secluded old brick house on Bluff Avenue in
Staunton, Virginia. Cyndi Lauper was proclaiming to anyone who would listen that  Girls Just Wanna
Have Fun .
 Some fun, Lauren muttered to herself. Vampire rituals, being kept in a dungeon for two days straight
with no food, hordes of zombie guards and having the man she was beginning to realize she had very
strong feelings for nearly die on her fighting a duel for her life. Oh yeah, it beat Disney World any day of
the week.
She parked and tried to slide out of the Caddy s door which resulted in a low ripping noise. The back of
the silky red dress had been glued to the leather seat with the drying blood and now the dress was
ruined. Well, too bad, it looked like she d have to find something else to wear to the next vampire ritual,
not that she ever planned on attending any more of them if she could help it. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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