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 Hello, Mistaya replied.
 I am the Earth Mother, the woman said.  I am a friend of your mother. Has she told you of me?
Mistaya nodded.  You were her best friend when she was a little girl. You told her about my father
before he came into Landover. You help take care of the land and the things that live on it. You can do
The Earth Mother laughed softly.  Some little magic. Most of what I do is simply hard work. Do you
like magic, then?
 Yes, very much. But I am not allowed to use it.
 Because it is dangerous for you.
 But you don t believe that?
Mistaya hesitated.  It is not so much that I don t believe it. It is more that I don t see how I can learn to
protect myself from its dangers if I never get to use it.
The eyes gleamed like silver pools.  A good answer. Ignorance does not protect; knowledge protects.
Did you know, Mistaya, that I helped your mother prepare for your birth? I gave her the task of
gathering the soils out of which you were born. I did that because I knew something about you that your
mother did not. I knew that magic would be a very important part of your life and that you could not
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protect yourself from its effects if its elements did not constitute a part of your body. You required earth
from the fairy mists as well as from your father s and mother s lands.
 Am I a fairy creature? Mistaya asked quickly.
The Earth Mother shook her head.  You are not so easily defined, child, she answered.  You are not
simply one thing or the other but a mix of several. You are special. There is no one like you in all of
Landover. What do you think of that?
Mistaya thought.  I suppose I shall have to get used to it.
 That will not be so easy to do, the Earth Mother continued.  There will be obstacles for you to
overcome at every turn. You may think that growing up has been difficult, but it will become more
difficult still. There are hard lessons ahead for you. There are trials that may undo you if you are not
careful. Experience is the necessary teacher for all children growing to adulthood, filled with revelations
and discoveries, with disappointments and rewards, and with successes and failures. The trick is in
finding a balance to it all and then surviving to turn knowledge into wisdom. This will be doubly hard for
you, Mistaya, because yours will be the lessons and trials of three worlds, and you must be especially
careful how you go.
 I am not afraid, Mistaya said bravely.
 I can tell this is so.
Mistaya frowned thoughtfully.  Earth Mother, can you see what lies ahead for me? Can you see the
The Earth Mother s silver eyes closed and opened slowly like a cat s.  Oh, child, I wish I could. How
easy life would be. But I cannot. What I see are possibilities. The future may be this or that. Usually it
may be a handful of things. I see glimpses of dark clouds and rainbows in the lives of those who inhabit
my land, and sometimes I can forestall or alter what might be. The future is never fixed, Mistaya. For
each of us it is an empty canvas on which we must paint our lives.
 Mother and Father believe we are in danger, the girl said.  Is it true?
 It is, the Earth Mother answered.  One of those dark clouds of which I spoke comes toward you. It
will test your resolve and challenge your insight. It looks to be a very black cloud indeed, and you must
be wary of it. It is for this reason I brought you here to me tonight.
 To warn me?
 More than that, Mistaya. You have already been warned, and my own warning adds nothing. The
Earth Mother shimmered as one arm rose to point.  The mud puppy who brought you to me is called
Haltwhistle. He has served me long and well. Your mother has known him since she was a child.
Haltwhistle is a fairy creature, come from the mists once upon a time to be my companion. Mud puppies
are able to live both in and out of the mists and serve who they choose. They are independent in making
their choice and loyal ever after. They have a very powerful form of fairy magic at their command. It is a
good magic, a magic of healing. It counteracts magics that are used to harm or destroy. It cannot protect
against them completely, but it can alter their effects so that they are not so severe. Haltwhistle s magic
does this for those he serves and sometimes for their friends.
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Mistaya glanced down at Haltwhistle, who was looking up at her with great, soulful eyes.  He seems
very nice, she said.
 He is yours now, the Earth Mother said gently.  I give him to you for the time it takes for you to grow
to womanhood. While you grow, Haltwhistle will be your companion and protector. He will keep you
safe from some of the harm that might be done by those dark clouds that come into your life.
Her arm fell away in a shimmer of moonlight.  But understand this, Mistaya. Haltwhistle cannot protect
you against everything. No one can do that. If dark magic is used to harm you, he can become your
shield. But if the dark magic is your own, he can do nothing to help you. What you choose to do with
your life must be your responsibility. The consequences of your acts and decisions must be your own.
You will make mistakes and engage in foolish behavior, and Haltwhistle will not be able to stop you.
These are the lessons of growing up that you must endure.
Mistaya s brow furrowed, and her mouth tightened.  I shall not make mistakes or behave foolishly if I
can help it, she insisted.  I shall be careful of my choices, Earth Mother.
The other s strange eyes seemed suddenly sad.  You will do the best you can, child. Do not expect
Mistaya thought.  Have I magic that will help me? she asked impulsively.  Magic of my own?
 Yes, Mistaya, you do. And perhaps it will help you. But it may also cause you harm. You are at some
risk should you choose to use it.
 But I don t even know what it is. How can I use it? How can it hurt me?
 In time, the Earth Mother said,  you will learn.
Mistaya sighed impatiently.  Now you sound like Father.
 It is time for you to go back, the Earth Mother advised, ignoring her complaint.  Before you do, there
are a few things you must know about Haltwhistle. He will always be with you, but you will not always
see him. He keeps watch over you as he deems best, so do not despair if from time to time you cannot
find him. Also, you must never try to touch him. Mud puppies are not meant to be touched. Be warned.
Finally, remember this. Haltwhistle requires neither food nor water from you. He will look after himself.
But you must speak his name at least once each day. It may be spoken in any way you choose, but you
must say it. If you fail to do so, you risk losing him. If he does not feel needed, he will leave you and
come back to me. Do you understand all this?
Mistaya nodded firmly.  I do, Earth Mother. Haltwhistle will be well cared for. She caught herself. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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