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"I hope so. It's all circumstantial, though. I'm crossing my
fingers for a confession." He went to the living room and got
both glasses of wine. "I'll be going as soon as I eat," he said
regretfully as he passed Gallagher his glass.
"Okay," Gallagher said with a nod, apparently accepting
that as due course. "So, who did it?"
To Serve and Protect
by Chris Owen, Tory Temple, CB Potts
"One of his team." Cort sipped his wine, his brow furrowed
while he put thoughts in order. "When you were going
through that stuff for Marty and finding out about Vincent's
last great love affair, I was going over my notes and looking
through as much of the recent online talk within the team as I
"And?" Gallagher handed him a plate and fork, then led the
way back to the living room.
Cort sat on the couch and put his plate on the coffee table.
"And Dinsmore was outshining them all," he said, taking a
forkful of something cheesy. "One of them had to be pissy
about it, right? Look at the way he was killed: unplanned,
violently, with the tools at hand. I was pretty sure that the
woman, Marcie Wong, was simply too small to pull a cord that
tight, but then I took another look at the photos and
reconsidered. Reeves is the one with the loosest alibi, but
really any of them could have managed it. So I went through
all the chats and tried to read between the lines."
Gallagher nodded, eating steadily with one hand and not
even setting his wine glass down with the other. Cort had to
wonder if he'd had lunch.
"I wish I had access to their computers," Cort said, mostly
to himself as he chewed.
"So get them." Gallagher shrugged. "It shouldn't be too
Cort thought about that while he ate, turning over reasons
and counter arguments before he finally decided it was worth
a try. "I hope there's a sympathetic judge working late," he
said, reaching for his phone.
To Serve and Protect
by Chris Owen, Tory Temple, CB Potts
There was, thankfully, or at least one who thought that
examining the computers was a reasonable step. Cort double-
checked how long the paperwork would take and grabbed his
notebook while finishing off his wine.
"I'll get you a shirt." Gallagher went to the bedroom while
Cort riffled through his notes and made another call, this time
for patrol to meet him at Rookwood to take care of the
acquisition. As an afterthought, he also called Mr. Ling as a
courtesy, making sure someone would be there to let them
"Thanks," Cort said, putting on Gallagher's shirt. "For
supper, too. Hate to eat and run, but..."
"It's the job," Gallagher said easily. He moved forward and
kissed Cort quickly, then handed him his gun. "Call me later.
Come back if you want."
"Yeah. I'll be up for a few hours."
Cort grinned and finished getting dressed. "I thought you
were ready to crash."
"I was." Gallagher smiled back. "Okay, maybe being up is
a lie. But come back, if you want."
"I just might," Cort said, kissing him again. "But I have to
go now."
"So go." Gallagher followed him to the door, taking one
more kiss. "Just to keep you from being bored."
"Being bored sucks," Cort agreed. He made himself leave,
once more pausing to stare at Dinsmore's door. It was odd
how surprised he was to keep seeing it there. He looked
forward to seeing it without the tape.
To Serve and Protect
by Chris Owen, Tory Temple, CB Potts
Chapter Eight
Cort was the first to the Rookwood building and he stood
outside the door, peering in as he waited for both Ling and his
search warrant to arrive. There were lights on inside, but the
door was locked tight and there wasn't a bell. He assumed
there was a guard in there somewhere, but until the guard
showed up to see Cort standing there, he was stuck counting
how many minutes he could have spent with Gallagher
instead of out in the night.
Two police cruisers and two sedans arrived at about the
same time, and Gallagher nodded to Mr. Ling as an officer
handed over the paperwork.
"This is our lawyer, Dennis Gifford," Mr. Ling said as the
man who drove the other sedan joined them. "He's just here
to make sure everything is in order."
Cort nodded and shook the lawyer's hand as Mr. Ling
opened the door and led them all in. "This won't take long," [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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"I hope so. It's all circumstantial, though. I'm crossing my
fingers for a confession." He went to the living room and got
both glasses of wine. "I'll be going as soon as I eat," he said
regretfully as he passed Gallagher his glass.
"Okay," Gallagher said with a nod, apparently accepting
that as due course. "So, who did it?"
To Serve and Protect
by Chris Owen, Tory Temple, CB Potts
"One of his team." Cort sipped his wine, his brow furrowed
while he put thoughts in order. "When you were going
through that stuff for Marty and finding out about Vincent's
last great love affair, I was going over my notes and looking
through as much of the recent online talk within the team as I
"And?" Gallagher handed him a plate and fork, then led the
way back to the living room.
Cort sat on the couch and put his plate on the coffee table.
"And Dinsmore was outshining them all," he said, taking a
forkful of something cheesy. "One of them had to be pissy
about it, right? Look at the way he was killed: unplanned,
violently, with the tools at hand. I was pretty sure that the
woman, Marcie Wong, was simply too small to pull a cord that
tight, but then I took another look at the photos and
reconsidered. Reeves is the one with the loosest alibi, but
really any of them could have managed it. So I went through
all the chats and tried to read between the lines."
Gallagher nodded, eating steadily with one hand and not
even setting his wine glass down with the other. Cort had to
wonder if he'd had lunch.
"I wish I had access to their computers," Cort said, mostly
to himself as he chewed.
"So get them." Gallagher shrugged. "It shouldn't be too
Cort thought about that while he ate, turning over reasons
and counter arguments before he finally decided it was worth
a try. "I hope there's a sympathetic judge working late," he
said, reaching for his phone.
To Serve and Protect
by Chris Owen, Tory Temple, CB Potts
There was, thankfully, or at least one who thought that
examining the computers was a reasonable step. Cort double-
checked how long the paperwork would take and grabbed his
notebook while finishing off his wine.
"I'll get you a shirt." Gallagher went to the bedroom while
Cort riffled through his notes and made another call, this time
for patrol to meet him at Rookwood to take care of the
acquisition. As an afterthought, he also called Mr. Ling as a
courtesy, making sure someone would be there to let them
"Thanks," Cort said, putting on Gallagher's shirt. "For
supper, too. Hate to eat and run, but..."
"It's the job," Gallagher said easily. He moved forward and
kissed Cort quickly, then handed him his gun. "Call me later.
Come back if you want."
"Yeah. I'll be up for a few hours."
Cort grinned and finished getting dressed. "I thought you
were ready to crash."
"I was." Gallagher smiled back. "Okay, maybe being up is
a lie. But come back, if you want."
"I just might," Cort said, kissing him again. "But I have to
go now."
"So go." Gallagher followed him to the door, taking one
more kiss. "Just to keep you from being bored."
"Being bored sucks," Cort agreed. He made himself leave,
once more pausing to stare at Dinsmore's door. It was odd
how surprised he was to keep seeing it there. He looked
forward to seeing it without the tape.
To Serve and Protect
by Chris Owen, Tory Temple, CB Potts
Chapter Eight
Cort was the first to the Rookwood building and he stood
outside the door, peering in as he waited for both Ling and his
search warrant to arrive. There were lights on inside, but the
door was locked tight and there wasn't a bell. He assumed
there was a guard in there somewhere, but until the guard
showed up to see Cort standing there, he was stuck counting
how many minutes he could have spent with Gallagher
instead of out in the night.
Two police cruisers and two sedans arrived at about the
same time, and Gallagher nodded to Mr. Ling as an officer
handed over the paperwork.
"This is our lawyer, Dennis Gifford," Mr. Ling said as the
man who drove the other sedan joined them. "He's just here
to make sure everything is in order."
Cort nodded and shook the lawyer's hand as Mr. Ling
opened the door and led them all in. "This won't take long," [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]