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and political associations and that which is buried cannot act. So we do not feel the need
for that which can be felt only by that which is deep within. All present we are not wholly
ourselves; we are only partially ourselves. We are on the tip of the iceberg of our
personality, and we are thinking through that tip on the top; and the larger base, which
is heavy, is beneath the conscious level.
Our real personality is deeper than the conscious level, but we live only in the conscious
level, and therefore, we are really not living in ourselves. Hence, we do not want God at
present. This is the problem. But when you go deep beneath your conscious level,
beneath your subconscious and unconscious also, further down, deeper than the
unconscious even, you enter the metaphysical level, the ontological being.
Go deep, deeper than what you seem to be. What is inside the body? You will find the
mind. What is inside the mind? Intellect. What is inside the intellect? In deep sleep, the
body is not there, the mind is not there, the intellect is not there. But are you there? In
deep sleep; are you there, or are you not there? You are there. Have you a doubt? Are
you existing in the state of deep sleep, or are you not existing? Are you alive or dead in
deep sleep? Very alive.
How do you know that you are alive? Who told you? When you had no consciousness of
your existence in sleep, how do you make a statement that you are alive there? It is a
hearsay, or real fact? Now you are stumbling on something which is the mystery of your
being. That which you were in the state of deep sleep is your real personality -- not
intellect, not mind, not the senses, not the body, not relations, not friends, not enemies,
not gold, not silver. Without anything you existed, and let us know what it was that
existed at that time. That is your ontological status.
Fruit From the Garden of Wisdom by Swami Krishnananda
Fruit From the Garden of Wisdom by Swami Krishnananda 28
Spanish Visitor: There is so much suffering, and struggle; a war is going on because of
egoism, power, pride...
Swamiji: You see, sometimes you sneeze, sometimes you have pain in the stomach,
sometimes you have fever; are these good things or bad things? These things are not
called good things, but why do they happen, if they are not good? Why do people vomit
sometimes? Why do these things happen?
The reason why these things happen is also the reason why the other things happen, to
which you made reference. It is a cosmic dislocation making internal adjustments. These
things, sneezing, stomach-ache, fever etc., are internal adjustments of the body to
maintain its balance. It passes through certain peculiar painful adjustments for the
purpose of maintaining a balance of health. Otherwise, unnecessarily, why should you
vomit and all that? No purpose is served. Nature maintains a kind of balance where
certain extremes take place, which maintain the balance.
When you eat too much, you will have a loose motion. Now, it is not a bad thing that is
happening, though it is certainly not a happy thing. It is necessary for the maintenance
of the health of the body. You have done some extreme thing by overeating. You have
walked in the rain, which is an extreme thing that you have done, so you developed
sneezing and fever. You have not slept properly, because you travelled too much for days
Mild dislocations are set right by mild adjustments. Serious dislocations may lead to
surgical operations. Then, destruction, flood, earthquake, war, and wholesale wiping out
of humanity in certain parts also can take place, as when some extreme illness has crept
into the system, some limb of the body may have to be severed by amputation. It is not a
bad thing, because it is necessary for maintaining the balance of your system. It is a
painful thing, but it is a necessary thing, also.
You have to see as Nature sees, not as one person sees. A limb that is severed by
amputation may not like to be amputated, but you must not see it from the point of view
of the limb only. You must see from the point of view of the whole organism, then, you
will see the necessity for it, though it is a very unpleasant thing. So, unpleasant things
are not always unnecessary things.
We cannot have a cosmic eye, and we cannot think as Nature thinks. The total eye of
Nature alone can see the total need within its constitution, which includes people like
us. We are also a part of Nature only. So, when it does something for maintaining its
own internal constitutional balance, and it does it for its own purpose, which is the well-
being of the whole, we as isolated individuals, who cannot think as Nature as a total
thinks, find than some odd thing is taking place; it looks like it is not very good. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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