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moreover  with reactionary governments that do between 200 and 400 million dollars. John F.  negative phenomena such as students
not have the support of their peoples, and which Kennedy s personal income at present is about
profound cynicism toward the official ideol-
for this reason do not strengthen, but, on the 100,000 dollars a year. However, in his electoral
ogy and propaganda, their receptivity to
contrary, weaken the position of the USA in these campaign he has the broad financial support of
Western culture and ideas, the resentment
countries and regions. his father and other members of the family; many
that most students felt toward the Soviet
of whom his brother and sister are taking part
Union s  fraternal allies, the high inci-
Kennedy as a person personally in the campaign.
dence of excessive alcohol consumption and
Kennedy s father - Joseph P. Kennedy, now
sexual promiscuity, and the entrenched anti-
Kennedy himself and his supporters now are 71 years old, first acquired the family fortune by
Semitism of Russian and Ukrainian students.
trying however possible to create the impression various forms of speculation on the stock market
that he is a strong personality of the caliber of and by commerce in alcoholic beverages. At Of particular interest is a section of the
Franklin D. Roosevelt, a leader of the new gen- present he is one of the leading figures in the
report dealing specifically with the impact
eration able to lead the country to  new heights. Boston financial group. In the first years of
of the Prague Spring, the reform movement
Judging, however, on the strength of the Franklin D. Roosevelt s presidency, Joseph P.
that swept the Czechoslovakian communist
available evidence about him, Kennedy, while Kennedy supported his political program; he was
party, and society, in early 1968. That sec-
not a mediocrity, is unlikely to possess the quali- the first head of a committee on securities and of
tion, as well as Andropov s cover memoran-
ties of an outstanding person. the marine committee. From 1937 to 1940 he was
dum, is translated here. The full text of the
He has, by all accounts, an acute, penetrat- the US ambassador to England; however he was
report is available in Moscow at TsKhSD,
the repository for the post-1952 archives of duced, translated, and provided by Mark
Students attitudes toward the ongoing situ-
the former CPSU Central Committee. Kramer, Center for Foreign Policy Develop-
ation in Czechoslovakia are of two main types.
The report s conclusions about the ment, Brown University, and Russian Re-
On the one hand, indignation is expressed toward
 spill-over from Czechoslovakia are ex- search Center, Harvard University.
the  brothers, whom we  have been subsidizing
tremely important because they go against
for so many years and who are now responding
conventional wisdom. Western observers * * * * * * * *
with vile ingratitude. This group of students,
have generally assumed that Soviet students
among whom are participants in the Hungarian
were indifferent to hostile toward the Prague
events, demand decisive measures and the use of
Spring. Although ferment and rebellious- military force. However, this group is small in
ness were rife in 1968 in France, in the
The rest of the students, who generally take
United States, and even Poland the pre-
5 November 1968
pleasure in anything that causes problems for or
vailing view has been that Soviet students
conflicts with the official line, are watching the
were notable mainly for their political apa-
ongoing situation in Czechoslovakia with be-
thy. But if the author of this report and the
nevolent curiosity. They have no real sense of
KGB s  other sources are correct, the A document has been received at the Com-
what all this can lead to. They are impressed by
mittee for State Security in which a number of
mood among Soviet students in 1968 was
the Czech students, who have become a major
judgments are set forth about contemporary stu-
far more restive than previously believed.
social force. Some even contemplate (albeit hy-
dents and youth.
The Czechoslovakian reforms, according to pothetically) the possibility of repeating the Czech
The author of the document is a college
experience in our own country. In a discussion
the report, were of great interest to Soviet
student who has been in the company of many
with the author of this review, a third-year student
students in Odessa. The author noted that
young poets, artists, and performers, and who has
said:  It s interesting to think whether such events
only a small number of the students he had
taken part in the competitions of the  Club for the
could take place here. I personally would take
encountered were opposed to the reforms,
Happy and Quick-Witted (GHQ). [The GHQ
part if they did.
whereas a large majority favored the Prague
was a popular television program M.K.]
What has attracted especially great interest [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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