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Ayrlyn laughed. After a moment, so did Huldran.
Nylan lifted the hammer.
The cooling wind swept into the smithy, bringing with it the sound of the
sheep on the hillside, the shouted instructions, and the clatter of wooden
wands from the space outside the tower. The hammer fell on the alloy that
would be the heart of yet another blade for the guards of Westwind.
Ayrlyn looked at the hammer, the anvil, and the face of the engineer-smith
and shivered. Neither Nylan nor Huldran saw the shiver or the darkness behind
her eyes.
SILLEK STEPS INTO the small upper tower room after a preemptory knock.
The mists in the glass vanish, and Terek stands. Despite the heat in the
room and the lack of wind from the two open and narrow windows, the white
wizard appears cool.
Sillek blots the dampness from his forehead, but remains standing.
 I have but a few moments, Ser Wizard, but since we last talked, asks
Sillek,  what have you discovered about the angel women on the Roof of the
 Discovering matters through a glass is slow and difficult. One sees but
 Dimly or not, you must have discovered something.
 Hissl was correct in one particular, Terek admits slowly.  The angel
women have no thunder-throwers remaining.
 What else have you discovered? asks Sillek.
 He underestimated the talents of the black mage.
 We knew that. Anything else?
 The black mage is a smith, and even without his fires from Heaven he can
forge those devil blades that seem able to slice through plate and chain mail.
He and his assistant are also forging arrowheads.
 Forging? That is odd.
Terek shrugs.  It is slow, but the arrowheads are like the blades, much
stronger, and they can cut some mail.
 Can you tell how many of these angels there are?
 There are more than twoscore, perhaps threescore, women on the Roof of the
World. A dozen or so remain of the original angels, and only the one man.
Sillek nods.  Then we should have less trouble than my sire.
 I would not be that certain, offers Terek.  Those who remain seem very
good, and they are spending much time training the newcomers. I am not an
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armsman, but it seems to me that they are very good at teaching our women, or
those who were our women before they fled Lornth. Some of the women who fled
to the angels killed quite a few of Hissl s armsmen.
Sillek purses his lips.  That would mean that the longer we wait, the
better the forces they will have?
 You would know that better than I, ser. Terek shrugs.  I can tell that
the mage is also getting stronger. He is also building something else, it
appears to be a mill of some sort. Their smithy is largely complete, and they
seem to have more livestock.
 Demons! Sillek looks at the blank glass and then at Terek. His voice
softens slightly.  I am not angry at you, Terek.
 I understand, ser. This situation is not& what it might be.
 No. It s not. Sillek offers a head bow.  Thank you.
After he. leaves the tower room, Sillek adjusts the heavy green ceremonial
tunic and heads for the Great Hall.
By the side entrance, Genglois waits for him.  You have a moment, ser?
 I suppose so. Do we know what this envoy of Karthanos wants?
Genglois shrugs, and his jowls wobble as his shoulders fall.  It is said he
has brought a heavy chest with him.
 That s not good. It s either a veiled threat or a bribe. Or both, which
would be even worse. The Lord of Lornth stands for a moment, motionless, then
opens the door and steps into the hall, where he walks to the dais and sits on
the green cushion-the only soft part of the dark wooden high-backed chair that
dates nearly to the founding of Lornth. He gestures.
A trumpet sounds, and the end doors open.
 Ser Viendros of Gallos, envoy from Lord Karthanos, Liege Lord of Gallos
and Protector of the Plains. The voice of the young armsman - in - training
almost cracks.
As Viendros marches in followed by two husky and weaponless armsmen
carrying a small but heavy chest, Sillek stands and waits for the swarthy
envoy to reach the dais.
Viendros offers a deep bow, not shallow enough to be insulting nor deep
enough to be mocking, then straightens.  Your Lordship.
 Welcome, Ser Viendros. Welcome. Sillek gestures to the chair beside his.
As he does, the armsman behind him turns his heavy chair.  Please be seated.
You have had a long journey.
Viendros offers a head bow.  My thanks, Lord Sillek. He sits without
further ceremony, as does Sillek. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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