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off at college. Do you really think he would want you rattling around in that big house
Brian shook his head.  Naw, I won t talk to him until something happens. We might be
deluding ourselves that Ethan s interested in one or both of us.
 You re a pessimist. Now me, I m an optimist all the way. As a matter of fact, I m going
to make sure I bring a king-sized blanket, condoms and about the biggest bottle of lube the
pharmacy carries.
 God help us, Brian moaned.
Chapter Four
Ethan fell into bed around three Sunday morning, exhausted. The pub seemed to get
busier all the time, and he was rethinking his part-time job. With his work in the mayor s
office, he really didn t need the added income. In the beginning, working at the pub had been
a way to meet people while sticking close to Jay. Now that Jay was in a committed
relationship with Erico, the added work seemed pointless.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relax, but his mind wouldn t shut
down. Something big was happening with Brian and Pete and Ethan still wasn t sure if he
was ready. Hell, he wasn t even sure he d read the signals right. Maybe Pete was just a flirt
and Brian put up with it.
What Ethan couldn t decide on was whether or not he d have the guts to go through
with a three-way if the situation presented itself. Never had he been faced with the
possibility of a ménage. He d read plenty of books about three men fucking and falling in
love, but could it happen in the real world? Ethan wasn t so sure. Jealousy had to play a huge
part in a relationship like that, and Ethan was only human. Still, the idea of watching Pete
and Brian make love totally turned him on. Ethan wasn t sure if that said more about him or
the other two men involved, but either way, in his heart, he knew he wouldn t pass up an
invitation should it come.
Ethan licked his palm and burrowed his hand under the cover to his cock. He d just
given his erection a good squeeze when something pinged against his bedroom window.
Ethan froze and waited for the sound again. He watched as a small pebble hit the glass. Shit.
Ethan threw off the covers and, despite his nudity, walked to the window.
He gasped when he spotted the man in the skeleton mask and dark robe, staring back at
him. Stepping back from the window, he reached for his discarded jeans, pulling his cell
phone out of the pocket. His finger hovered over the keypad for several moments. Should he
call Pete, Brian or the police?
Decision made, he hit the pre-programmed number. While he waited for Pete to pick
up, he inched his way back to the window. Not again. The alley was empty with no apparent
sign of his tormentor.
 Hello? Pete answered, his voice heavy with sleep.
 It s Ethan. Sorry to wake you. There was someone in the alley throwing rocks at my
window, but whoever it was is gone now. Just& just go back to sleep. I shouldn t have
 Did you get a good look at him? Pete asked.
 No. He was wearing a mask. I know it sounds crazy, but I saw what I saw.
 I ll be there in five minutes. Don t open the door to anyone until you see my car pull
up in the alley.
 You don t have to do that. It s late. Like I said, I shouldn t have called. Ethan hugged
his jeans to his chest and sat on the edge of the bed.
 Bullshit. I m glad you did. I ll call you when I get there.
Before Ethan could protest further, Pete hung up. Ethan threw the phone onto the bed
behind him and took a deep breath. It was obvious someone was trying to scare him. If the
masked man wanted to hurt him, he would ve broken in, not alerted Ethan to his presence by
throwing rocks at the window. It just didn t make sense. Was the whole idea to keep him in a
state of fear? That didn t sound like something George Strelling would do. Maybe he d been
wrong and it wasn t George at all, but if not George then who?
Headlights coming down the alley illuminated the wall of Ethan s bedroom, reminding
him he was still naked. He shook out the jeans still clutched in his hand and pulled them on
before stepping towards the window.
Ethan watched as Pete climbed out of the car. When the man crossed in front of the
headlights, Ethan sucked in a breath. Dressed in only a pair of jeans, Pete s chest was
amazing, better than Ethan s fantasies.
Admonishing himself, Ethan shook his head. It wasn t the time to be ogling the man,
especially not after getting him out of bed in the middle of the night. Pete looked up and
shook his head.
Ethan unlocked the window and pushed it up.  I didn t figure he d still be around.
 Where exactly was he standing? Pete asked.
Ethan pointed towards the dumpster.  A couple of feet from there.
Pete walked over to the area and squatted down for a closer look. Another set of
headlights illuminated the area and both Pete and Ethan watched as Brian stepped out of his
 Find anything? Brian asked, walking towards Pete.
 Not sure. Pete held up a cigarette butt.  There are three or four of these sprinkled
around the area, but they could ve fallen out of someone s garbage.
 The dumpster is only used by me and Kyle and neither of us smoke, Ethan called
Pete and Brian looked up. Pete held up the butt.  Do you know anyone who smokes
Camel Menthol?
Ethan shook his head. Did George Strelling smoke? He wondered if there was a way to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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