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bell clanging through his head. He ignored it, though,
because he was far more concerned with wanting to
see another smile on her face than any more warning
signs. Lord knew, there'd been a bucket full of them
thrown at him since their first kiss. And he'd ignored
them all.
 You may find this hard to believe, he told her,  but
when we were kids, I was the daredevil.
She cocked her head, looked at him.  I'm not that
surprised, actually. You do have a sort of latent wild
look about you, she teased.
 If you're not careful I'm going to shove the rest of that
s'more into your mouth just to keep you quiet.
 I can think of something else you could shove into my
mouth to keep me quiet, she offered wickedly.
 Don't tempt me, he growled, pulling her back against
his chest. And, of course, he wanted to feel her taking
his cock into her mouth. Who wouldn't?
The thing was, right now he wanted to talk to her even
You're asking for trouble, a voice in the back of his
head that had joined the warning bell cautioned him,
but then she was saying,  Tell me more about all the
trouble you got Travis in.
 I learned to swim before he did, which he hated
because he always liked to think of himself as the older
brother. Those sixty seconds before I came out are
really important to him, you know.
 Figures, she said.
Laughing, he said,  Anyway, one afternoon when he
was being a real piece of work, we were out by the
pool and I dared him to jump into the deep end.
 The idiot jumped, didn't he?
Luke laughed too, remembering.  Of course he did.
But in the end, it all worked out just fine for him.
 Why? Because you saved him?
 Yeah, I saved him. But it was our busty young
babysitter who made his day. I swear he sat there with
his head between her breasts the rest of the afternoon.

 How old were you?
 Six. Seven, maybe.
Janica giggled.  Come on. He was just a kid. He
couldn't have already been such a dog. Now you're just
talking smack about him because you know I like to
hear it. And then she said,  But I'll admit, it was pretty
weird when he started dating my sister. I guess I
always thought that she'd end up with you.
 No chance, he said.  Lily and I were only friends.
 But you spent so much time together. How could
nothing have happened? Something had to have
happened at some point.
Fuck. This was awkward.
 We kissed once, he admitted.
 Aha! I knew it.
 We had zero chemistry, Janica.
 How could someone have zero chemistry with you?
He had to kiss her.  I'm flattered.
 Flattery has nothing to do with it, Luke. She ran the
pad of her thumb across his lips.  You're the best
kisser I've ever known.
He leaned in to capture her sugary lips and it was the
sweetest kiss they'd ever shared.
 I love you, she whispered against his lips.
The three words ricocheted through him just as they
always did. And each time something inside of him
shifted a little bit more.
Allowing himself one more sensuous sweep of his
tongue against hers, he pulled back.  Janica, I 
Her eyes were dilated, her cheeks so flushed with
arousal that he could see the heightened color on her
face even in the dim firelight.
 Shut up and kiss me some more, Luke.
Every time she gave him an out.
And every time he deserved it less.
But the worst part of it was that he knew he was going
to take it anyway.
His mouth never leaving hers, he laid her back on the
blanket. He wanted to look at her, this beautiful miracle
in his arms. Shifting so that he could run his hands over
her shoulders, slowly down her arms, he drank in the
sight of her.
Firelight made her skin glow, but she didn't need it,
didn't need anything other than the fire that was already
inside of her.
 I'm so damn lucky you're here. His statement was out
there before he could think better of saying it.
She blinked up at him, her big brown eyes warm with
arousal and love.  You are?
Her response took him by surprise, the fact that she
didn't know it already.
And it made him want her even more. It made him want
to show her how lucky he was, rather than just tell her
with words.
The surf crashed around them as he slowly stripped off
her clothes. The moon shined down over them as he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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