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especially, her bottom, a difficult task considering it
was covered in second-skin denim.
As she approached, her movements turned
catlike, sinuous.  Hello, she said in a husky voice,
offering her hand.  It s nice to meet you, Mr., uh,
He took her hand without a smile.  Call me Rick.
The last name s Arsenault, for the record. He
pronounced it the French way, Ar-sen-no.  It s nice
to meet you, too, Ms. Darling.
She held his hand, not letting go, and Rick had
the distinct impression his looks were being
assessed. Well, let her. He might be nearer forty
than thirty, and his face might look weather-beaten,
but he was damn buff from hard, physical labor.
There wasn t a  fitness place within fifty miles.
 And you must call me Susannah. Rick, I d love
some coffee, she said, slipping off her sunglasses.
Her eyes, a stunning shade of violet-blue, knocked
him out.
Speechless, he pointed at the FBO building. Her
gaze followed his finger.  Dalton, please, some
coffee, she said to the chauffeur, who promptly
strode in the proper direction.
 Now, then, she said,  tell me about the cabin.
I understand it has a hot tub big enough for eight,
and amazing views.
 Ms. Darling, he began.
 Susannah. Well, you know the best-laid plans
of mice and men, and all that? The cabin s no longer
The tiniest of furrows creased her smooth brow.
 No longer available? But I paid for it.
Rick adopted what he hoped was a soothing
expression.  I realize that. I ll be happy to refund
every cent. After you have your coffee, I ll take you
to the office, so you can see the other cabins I have
available. I manage several. In fact, there s one 
 A different cabin is simply not acceptable! she
snapped.  What happened? Someone give you more
money? I ll pay double whatever they re offering
And, with that, she stamped her stilettoed feet
hard, one-two, one-two. Rick began to see visions
of red stripes on Ms. Darling s darling tail.
 You don t understand, he explained as
patiently as he could.  Lightning struck it, and that
caused a fire two nights ago. A big fire. The house
isn t habitable. As I said, I do have some other
properties, but it is July, so selection is limited 
 Dalton! she screeched.  Here! Now!
Rick watched the man scurry toward her, foam
cup of coffee in his hand. He wanted to laugh so
badly it was all he could do to keep it down to
twitches at the corners of his mouth.
Dalton proffered the coffee to her. Without a
word of thanks, Susannah took the cup, sipped, and
made a hideous face.  I thought Alaska was known
for its good coffee. I wouldn t serve this to a dog.
 You know a lot of coffee-drinking dogs in
Hollywood? Rick asked, as deadpan as he could.  I
always figured that place was strange. Bet the dogs
have agents, too, don t they? And chauffeurs to
drive their rolling doghouses? Maybe little yappy
dogs working for Border Collies?
Ignoring him, Susannah concentrated on the
coffee, sip-grimace, sip-grimace, sip-grimace. After
a couple of silent minutes, she took a deep breath
and said,  Rick, you simply do not understand. I
just endured the busiest six months of my life. I
recorded two albums and filmed a movie in Canada,
where it was cold, wet, and the days were twelve
hours long. I also put in many personal
appearances, gave interviews, and did some charity
work on top of it all. I want a month of  me time,
and I intend to get it, any way I can.
Her stare would have cut steel, but Rick had
handled worse much worse. He said as gently as
he could manage,  I don t doubt the past six
months have been hard for you, and that you re
tired. That s why I ve put up with your bad attitude
so far. But if the house isn t fit to live in, that s it
end of story. Nothing anyone can do. And all your
money and all your temper tantrums won t change
Her gaze never leaving his, she said,  Rick, we
had a deal. I signed a contract. Now, you will find
me another cabin, a comparable cabin, and also
give me a ten percent discount for my
inconvenience. Otherwise, I will make your life
He could hear the gritty streets of New York
maybe Brooklyn? underlying her tone of voice.
Well, he d grown up on the streets of the Bronx, so
two could play the intimidation game.
 You will not receive any discount, Ms. Darling.
In fact, you should pay me a bonus for finding you a
luxury cabin on short notice during the busiest
month of the year. The cabin s lack of availability is
something you should take up with The Man
Upstairs because the fire from the lightning sure as
heck isn t my fault. Now, follow me to my office, so
we can get you squared away.
Susannah watched the man walk away from her
as if he didn t give a damn whether she followed or
not. His indifference, and his  I m in charge
attitude, provoked the tiniest bit of heat between
her legs. Perhaps she d found her he-man, the one
who could tame her temper with an old-fashioned
butt-warming or three.
Dalton opened the door of the Hummer. She
climbed in, thinking about Rick Arsenault on the ride
to his real estate office. She d recognized a slight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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