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right, there is nothing I can do. However, my foolish
honor  his voice was thick with disdain  forbids
me to make an offer to Miss Hanley-Swope.
 I believe it is Swope-Hanley, my lord.
 Dammit to hell, Honeysuckle! His voice
thundered over her head and reverberated through
her rib cage. He loomed over her, his eyes flashing
and his face dark with fury. She wanted to throw
herself into his arms. Instead she lifted her chin and
narrowed her eyes at him.
 If you ask for my hand I will say no, she said.
 Even though it ruins my reputation.
 Stubborn chit!
She smiled.  I daresay I am. She held out her
hand.  Truce, my lord?
His lips twisted, but he shook his head.
 This is not right.
Once again, Honeysuckle ignored the heaviness
of her heart. This was not a fairy tale. He was not
her knight in shining armor. He was a peer of the
realm who d been caught in a cottage with a young
woman, and had succumbed to lust. An old, worn-out
story. She could not let him believe he had bruised
her heart.
 I would like to ask you again, my lord, to allow
my family to remain at Hilldale House.
His eyes flared and she knew she d shocked him.
The harsh lips twisted into a sneer.
 That sounds dangerously like an exchange of
goods for services, madam.
Ann Yost
She refused to look away from his accusing eyes.
 Does it? Well, I am a practical person. A country
He was still holding the poker he had used to
put out the fire. Suddenly he flung it across the room
with so much violence that it smashed the lone
window. Honeysuckle shivered and drew her arms
around her waist, but she did not move back.
 Of course, he said. His tone was tight, but
even. He had already brought himself under control.
 Certainly you may have the lease to Hilldale House.
Please accept it with my compliments along with my
apologies for this afternoon s folly.
Honey nodded. She could not immediately trust
herself to speak. It had not been folly. It had been
wonderful. But it ought not to have been. She knew
that he could have insisted upon a marriage between
them. She knew she must be grateful that he had
 Thank you, my lord, she said.
He bowed. She thought his face a little pale but
perhaps that was natural. He had almost found
himself leg-shackled to a woman he did not even
They did not exchange another syllable all the
way home.
The woman was a candidate for bedlam.
Reggie left both horses in his stable and
accompanied Honeysuckle back to Upper Ickleford
on foot. The thunder and lightning had moved off
leaving a persistent drizzle, but the disagreeable
weather meant there was no one about to see him.
He returned to the manor house and entered
through the backdoor, calling for bath water as he
bounded up the back stairs. Moments later he slid
into the warm depths of the copper tub.
She did not wish to marry him? He barked a
The Earl That I Marry
laugh. Their fate had been sealed from the moment
they had crossed the threshold of the gamekeeper s
cottage. Perhaps earlier. He had been drawn to her
since she had shown up at his door at midnight.
Perhaps even earlier than that. If he were honest, he
would admit he had been intrigued by her letters.
Few people dared lecture Reggie Wanstead, army
captain. Fewer still spoke in such a way to a lord of
the realm.
She had not feared him. Had, in fact, wanted
him. The memory of her glowing eyes and eager
hands made him instantly hard. Damnation! They
must marry. She would become a countess and he
would have a reckless, stubborn wife. Their offspring
might not be beautiful but they would not want for
courage. He could not imagine leaving Honeysuckle
at Marchmont while he went up to town to his
mistress. He shook his head. From now on there
would be only one woman in his bed. His blood
But first he had to change her mind.
Reggie smacked his fist along the side of the
copper tub.
Forty minutes later, armed with a glib story, he
presented himself to the company in the dining hall.
 Please forgive my tardiness, he said to Lady
Patricia.  I finally discovered Miss Honeysuckle
Watson. She had taken shelter at one of the tenant
farms, but I am afraid she was wet through and her
horse lost a shoe.
Violet gasped.  Oh heavens. Is she all right?
Reggie smiled at her. Odd how he felt warmth
for Miss Violet Watson but no heat. Doubtless it was
her want of freckles.  Miss Honeysuckle decided to
go back to Hilldale House to dry off and warm up.
She will join the house party tomorrow, as, I hope,
will you, Miss Watson. I am certain Miss Swope-
Hanley, her mother, and my aunt would welcome
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