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clenched her muscles and rocked against him gently, clutching his ass
to keep him still. She moved just a fraction, her legs tense, her fingers
digging into his skin. One more movement and&
 Oh my God, she whispered.
Every muscle contracted at the same time and that burning ache
exploded into a wave of sensation that ground through her pelvis and
her pussy, clutching Desmond s cock so violently he groaned. Her
body throbbed with such a wonderful feeling she thought she might
laugh. It was better than anything that had come before and
overwhelmed her completely. She threw her arms over her head and
lifted both of them off the ground as her back arched.
Desmond ground his hips against hers to bring her back to reality.
She was limp, exhausted, every inch of her body pulsing.
 She s a goner, Des, Connor said.  Might as well get yours.
Desmond rose up on his arms and withdrew slightly. Her pussy
contracted and clamped down, trying to keep him inside. He plunged
inside and she gasped as her back arched again. She clutched his
shoulders as he pumped in and out, his cock sliding easily into the
damp folds of her body. Flutters stirred inside her once again,
excruciating little pulses that made her tremble, but her body felt so
tired. She rode the waves of pleasure with a smile and watched
Desmond as he stared into her eyes, her hands skimming downward
to curl in the hair on his chest and feel the droplets of sweat that
dotted his skin.
With one final plunge, Desmond fell against her, wrapping her in
his arms. She wound her arms around his neck and held him as he
shuddered. His heart thundered against her breast. Warm pulses of
Buckskins and Brocade 97
fluid shot deep inside her, spurt after spurt as he filled her with his
He pressed a long kiss against her neck then threw himself into
the grass, shielding his eyes with his arm. His hand reached out and
took hers, squeezing lightly. Livvie lifted up on her elbows and her
mouth dropped open.
Connor stood a few yards away, his back against a tree. His pants
were open and he stroked his cock, a hard long length in his hand.
* * * *
Her hair cascaded around her flushed face when she rose up on
her elbows. No one could have mistaken that look on her face. Her
eyes were dreamy and unfocused, a soft smile on her lips. She looked
like a woman who d just been fucked and fucked well. Desmond
hadn t disappointed her.
He wasn t too worried. Desmond was good but he knew damn
well he could be better. His cock was more than hard enough to
satisfy her.
Her gaze finally found him. Her pretty little mouth dropped open
and those green eyes widened as they dropped to his cock.
 I have a little unfinished business.
 I-I see that, she stammered.
Her eyes tentatively moved back to his face as though suddenly
shy. He considered for a minute this might be too much for her too
fast. He sure as hell knew it might be too much for his brother and
there could be consequences from that. But Connor d been willing to
risk that. He wasn t normally so selfish but the last thing he wanted to
do was hand Livvie to Desmond on a silver platter and give up all
hope of having her. He d done the right thing: he d let Desmond have
her first. Now all bets were off. Livvie might ultimately choose Des,
but Connor had already figured one thing about Livvie Raines. She d
made a bargain and she d stick to it. She d fuck him. If it turned out to
98 Amber Carlton
be only once, he d live with that. But he sure hoped it was more than
 I can take care of it myself if you like.
Desmond sat up, squinting against the sun.  Please do.
 That wouldn t be fair, Livvie said.  He s the one who actually
caught me. What kind of person would I be to hold back his
Connor smiled, grabbed his cock and wiggled it. Desmond fell
back to the grass with a sound of disgust. Livvie didn t look disgusted
at all. She licked her lips and her eyes filled with a heated lust.
She scooted onto her knees then stood. Her breasts, flushed and
rosy from kisses and caresses, bounced with her movement, their
nipples still hard. Her petticoat fluttered down around her legs, hiding
that glorious glimpse of pussy. She started toward him, her hips
swaying beneath the soft fabric.
As she neared an intoxicating scent enveloped him the aroma of
a truly satisfied woman. He d been happy to do his part, but he was
ready for more.
She stood in front of him for a minute, quiet and unusually still.
Then her hand reached out and the tip of her finger grazed the head of
his cock, wiping at the small bead of moisture on the tip. She lifted
her finger to her mouth and her tongue peeked out to swipe across it.
Her gaze rose to meet his eyes.
 Can I taste you?
Connor swallowed thickly.  You just did.
 No, I mean, can I take your cock in my mouth? Suck on it? Is
that something I can do?
He nodded because he couldn t seem to get any words past his
She lowered to her knees in front of him. He braced himself
against the tree because he had a feeling he d fall over. He stared at
the top of her dark head until she lifted her beautiful face.
 You ll let me know if it hurts?
Buckskins and Brocade 99
 It s not going to hurt, Liv. Trust me.
He was aware that Desmond had sat up and stared at them. Livvie
took his cock in her hand, her small fingers stretching to try to wrap
around him. He watched her mouth open, stretch wider, and close
over the head. He nearly jumped out of his skin when her tongue
touched his skin. She made a little mewing noise in her throat right
before she began to suck.
 You lucky son of a bitch, Desmond whispered.
Connor found he couldn t say a word.
Livvie s hands settled against his thighs, rubbing him with soft
caressing strokes, then they slid upward and into his pants, pushing
the fabric aside and down over his hips. Her fingers cupped his ass,
tugging him closer and she swallowed his entire dick. It slid to the
back of her throat. She pumped her mouth over his cock, sliding in
and out, her lips tight around him, creating such friction he pressed
his back tighter against the tree to maintain control.
Her hands slid back over his hips, her thumbs stroking the skin
stretched over his bones, the soft nest of curls, the muscles of his
abdomen. He pulled in a huge gasp of air. His head slammed back and
hit the rough bark of the tree. He barely felt it. The only sensation in
his body seemed to be the mouth that tugged on his cock, the soft lips
that enveloped his flesh, the warmth of the tongue that swept up and
down his length, the fingers that trailed over every inch of visible
flesh. But when she reached between his legs and cupped his balls, he
thought he d come in her mouth. As much as he wanted to, he really [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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